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Design And Implementation Of Police Office System Based On J2EE

Posted on:2017-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q ShaoFull Text:PDF
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Along with the progress of world science a nd technology, our computer technology has developed rapidly. Each country in the worl d, especially a world power, whether there had been substantial changes in all asp ects of policing, medical, military and so on. Achieve a police office system for the development of public security work toward standardization has great impetus, while for us to use technology to reinforce the guard also has a very important significance. Because the grass-roots public security as pect is very triv ial and complicated relationship between objects is also complex work. Because of this, to strengthen information technology becomes particularly urgent. Yingkou, Liaoning Public Security Bureau in order to meet these needs of police inform ation technology, provides a fast, ef ficient, convenient and accurate access to a variety of information, design and development of Yingkou, Liaoning Province Public Security Bureau police office systems.For such a public security indus try itself is a high density of information industry, which relies heavily on information processing. In order to prom ote the reform of the entire public security organs, and to enhance the com bat effectiveness of the public security organs with information management tools to improve and re form the social security system, and on th e security level, but also played a positive role. Based on these requirem ents, the implementation of the reform of the National Public Security System and extensive promotion policing system is a general trend. Therefore, in establishing public security m anagement system should be closely supporting it and polic e operation mechanism valid link, search for new information on the issue of police m anagement application extremely, which are for the prevention and combating of crime has a significant im prove. However, because China is a very special case, and com plex country, it has its own special circum stances, such as very large population base, the large span of the region, different regions of different geographical and cultural, multi-ethnic, etc. As a result the public security police office building process unit system appears to be very difficult.Based on these new operational requirements, the development of a police office system. This paper uses JAVA, J2 EE development platform, SSH framework technology, combined with Oracle database to be developed for this system. Police office system achieved a m ajor alarm management module, message management module, document management module, individual modules of fice, police personnel m anagement module, system management module, and the data effective maintenance. Through identity-based encryption algorithm applied, not only to improve th e reliability of infor mation transmission, but also to a lar ge extent, to ensure data security, on this point, is to meet police office system to convey data privacy features. Introduces the theoretical basis of the police system in the paper, but also to achieve the system algorithm technology, not only the function of the system have been described, but also done a test sy stem will be described at the same time. The paper designed and implemented a police of fice system is in Li aoning Public Security Bureau police office needs to make a detailed inve stigation and r esearch to d etermine the needs of th e system functional and non-functional, pe rformance and other aspects. Details of the architecture of the system design, database and functiona l modules has done a detailed description, respectively, and the corresponding system test. The system design and development process, full consideration not only the actual needs of the police office, also taking into account the safety, reliability and stability and other aspects of such a system must have to ask, so police have more important office work m eaning. Meanwhile, the system also has very good scalability, can be widely applied to other office systems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Police system, J2EE, SSH framework, Management system
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