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Research On The Construction Of The Big Data Platform Of TV Media

Posted on:2016-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LvFull Text:PDF
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In the era of extensive information technology, network media with the advantage of the advantages of the use of large data of the advantages of large data is gradually eroded television media market. TV media audience further diverted to each other, the use of large data transformation of thinking has attracted much attention of TV media. Transformation first need to solve the basic problem, so the construction of a strong unified application service based data platform, which is the first step of TV media in the background of big data era.Firstly, this paper starts from three aspects:theory, reality and technology. It provides the basis for the construction of big data platform. Then, the paper analyzes the conditions of the external environment and internal operating mechanism of TV media. It proves that the design of the big data platform is feasible, and then puts forward the principles to be followed in the construction process. According to the data of ratings, audience psychology, behavioral data, advertising operation monitoring and data and multi screen contact behavior data, four dimensions of content indicators, the framework of a large data platform based on user behavior data. Finally through the analysis of Tianjin Radio and television network related data platform. From that application ideas, strategic planning, technology to achieve the enlightenment, to prove the thesis put forward to build the theoretical point of view.In this paper, the TV media should generate and accumulate user network behavior data as the main content of the platform analysis, and find out the products and services that are more in line with the user's behavior and habits. Building big data platform should pay attention to the following four principles, in order to effectively support the integration of technological innovation and service concept in the application of big data platform. TV media to build big data platform is the first step in the platform management of radio and television industry, the big data platform is only based on the human center to adapt to the triple play, the new platform through the network ecological environment to establish a quantitative data platform with interoperability, two-way communication, open source sharing, integrated management approach to integrate resources in order to truly transform data assets into productive forces.
Keywords/Search Tags:TV media, Big data platform, Behavior data, The platform architecture
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