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Design And Implementation Of The Performance Management System In R Transportation Company

Posted on:2016-10-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330482998160Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Now enterprise human resources management is t he core co ntent o f performance management. Through t he performance management can impro ve the transportat io n co mpany each depart ment and ind ividual work efficiency, opt imize workflo w, so performance management beco me t he important driving force o f enterprise development. Wit h t he develop ment o f performance management science t heory, t he co ncept of per formance management fro m extended to the field of no n-enterprise enterprise management category.This art icle launched fro m t he start to the do mest ic and internat io nal transportat io n co mpany perfor mance management techno lo gy and product research, analyzes t he do mest ic and foreign transportat io n co mpanies at this stage o f develo pment and to further explain and describes the related concepts o f t he transportat io n co mpany performance management system design, po int s out t hat the key technical breakt hrough has been made, fo llowed by t he introduct io n o f performance management system and relevant knowledge o f performance management system and t he analysis o f the relevant techno logy research. According to the design requ irement s for system maint enance mo du le, personnel management modu le, performance planning module, plan mo dule, a perfor mance evaluat io n module, rewards and punishment s management mo dule, feedback mo dule and main funct io n modu les such as perso nal o ffice modu le and t he direct io n o f furt her research and discusses the impro vement. Accord ing to the fro nt-end disp lay layer, the background log ic layer, database management to imp lement t he contract management system. So beneficia l to streamline t he design o f the syst em each funct io n module, and make the system update maintenance easier to use.The ent ire syst em uses ASP.NET techno logy develo pment, including Web Services techno log y and co mpo nent techno lo gy, t hrough t he use o f these two techno logies, makes the syst em has excellent expansibilit y, allowing so me to recycle system and reduce t he cost of seco nd develop ment. For t he My SQL database, the system architecture adopts B/S structure mode.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transportation company, ASP.NET technology, performance ma na ge ment, the MySQL database
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