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Thinking On Art Education In Middle School Through Stimulating Students' Interest

Posted on:2017-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518981348Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present.the most difficult problem that the realization of the value of art subject curriculum in junior middle school is the decline or loss of students' interest in art learning,Therefore,to stimulate and cultivate students' interest in art learning has become the first question that teachers should think about,and the basic ability that teachers need to have.The main research content of this paper includes four parts,including the introduction:The first part is the introduction,which mainly includes the reason of choosing the topic,the significance of the research,the review of the related research,the main research content and the main research methods and so on.The second part,the theoretical basis of learning interest and art teaching.The occurrence condition,development process and mechanism of the interest of art learning are revealed by the theory of occurrence.The Constructivism learning theory and constructivism teaching theory constitute the theoretical basis of the new curriculum standard,and also the theoretical guidance and development path of students' art learning interest and art teaching.The third part analyzes the main reasons of the lack of current students' interest in art learning and its performance.At present,the level of mental development in middle school students has suppressed their interest in art study,and the double pressure of academic tasks and learning some time,and the middle school fine arts teaching environment and the teaching mode and the teaching method is single.In the fourth part,We analyze the strategies to stimulate students' learning interest and innovation of art teaching in middle school.We should correctly analyze and grasp the psychological characteristics of students' age:We should correct view of the objective psychological phenomenon of students' learning interest in art learning in middle school;We can stimulate students' interest in learning the art.We should encourage students to learn and implement hierarchical multiple evaluation:Actively guide students to carry out cooperative learning;using hierarchical and multiple evaluation methods.Reasonable orientation of middle school fine arts education to optimize the teaching environment:To Correctly understand the subject status of art education;cultivate and establish excellent teaching staff.Explore the diversified teaching mode and teaching means:Respect and play the main role of students learning;Mining course content flexible use of teaching materials;To deepen the teaching design from the students need.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middle School, Art Teaching, Interest in Art Learning
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