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The Ceremony And Value Of Dragon Boat Event In Xi Xi

Posted on:2018-09-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z K FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518973660Subject:Humanities and sociology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Xi xi dragon boat event consists of all boat rowing activities in Xixi water zones on Dragon Boat Festival,which are endowed with the same programs,ritual process,and nature and humanity environment.There are different kinds of events,including the "Big Dragon Boat Festival" in Wu chang,Jiang cun and Cang qian,as well as "Small Dragon Boat Festival" dragon boat event in He mu qiao,which mainly represents the characteristics of Xi xi dragon boat events.The charm of Xixi dragon boat events lies in their rich contents of ceremony,such as the dragon king sacrifice ceremony,removing overflow,the dragon king tour,dragon ancestor recognization and others.This paper employs literature,field survey and interviews,to explore the ceremony of Dragon Boat Festival in Xi xi.First,we will make a comparative analysis of specific organizational processes,styles of the dragon boat and the way of rowing a boat between different places,to investigate the origin of this event.Then,we will introduce the ritual contents and processes in Wu chang,Jiang cun,Cang qian and He muqiao,to summarize the characteristics.Afterwards,we will analyze the change and cultural connotation of the event and conclude that the Xi xi dragon boat event is a main approach for people to worship the dragon and make good wishes.It is also the region's claim of good social order and inheritance of traditional culture.After further analysis,we make the following conclusions:First,the ceremony of Xi xi dragon boat event is a good carrier of local cultural heritage development.Its rich contents represent distinctive culture in Xixi.The corresponding cultural symbols frequently shown in the event continuously strengthen the grounding effect of culture,which improves residents' cultural consciousness and plays an important role in the inheritance and development of local culture.Meanwhile,this event continuously absorbs new elements in the process of development and enriches the local cultural connotation.Second,the ceremony of Xi xi dragon boat event has the functions to promote harmonious regional stability.The organization process of this event can mobilize local villagers to take an active part in activities,which effectively promotes the harmonization of public space and the cultivation of the collective identity.Furthermore,it makes contributions to strengthening the understanding and communication between internal and external,and promoting the exchanges and regional ethnic identity,which is conducive to maintain regional stability and prosperity.Third,the ceremony of Xi xi dragon boat event acts as the powerful tool for village governance.It plays a significant role in social governance,which is beneficial for local construction of spiritual civilization,through inhibiting the inferior culture.Besides,the ceremony has the function to declare social orders and legal concepts.Moreover,the dragon boat association and other forms of folk organizations make a great contribution to the construction of regional harmonious society.Fourth,the ceremony of Xi xi dragon boat event indicates the social change.There are fewer superstitious elements,but it is more modem in organization and propaganda.More women can participate in the ceremony,the activity orientation is more specific and the functions are more diverse,which reflects social development and changes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xixi dragon boat event, Ceremony, Value
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