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On The Integration Of Political Life And Political History Textbook From The Perspective Of Comprehensive Curriculum

Posted on:2018-06-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W G XiongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518954344Subject:Curriculum and teaching theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the development of the times,the demand for talents is more comprehensive and complicated.The problem that we need solve in today become more and more complication.If we want to solve these problems,need we have the knowledge that we get from different disciplines.Today's society needs comprehensive talents.But the teaching system that in the sub-curriculum system is become more and more can not meet this requirement.So more and more people are calling for integrated courses.In this trend,the subject of teaching should strengthen the interdisciplinary links,breaking the sub-curriculum system' barriers between disciplines.Fusion of knowledge that separated from each other in the before time.In order to make this knowledge become a complete system.So that students in the face of practical problems can be flexible use of knowledge,comprehensive analysis of the problemSecondary school politics and history are the subjects of the college entrance examination,both in the connection of knowledge of teaching materials,or the use of subject knowledge in classroom teaching,there are close ties between the two disciplines.Political knowledge more emphasis on the theory,students mostly feel jealous and lack of interest.But the most history of knowledge presented the narrative of historical facts,the content is more vivid,more attractive to students.The integration of two subject materials can promote students to learn the political theory of knowledge.There are many complementary and repetitive in two subject materials.Through the integration of two subject materials,can better promote students to understand and internalize the knowledge of teaching materials.This paper is based on the "political life" and "political history",to "political life" as the carrier.Use of comprehensive curriculum theory to teach the material integration's principle?strategy and feasibility.And there are some mind about problems that meed attention and difficulties in the integration of teaching materials.I hope in this way can be help students learn more easily.And get the ability that make students to analyze and solve problems.To develop a sense of inquiry learning.This paper can be divided into four parts.The first part is the introduction.This paper mainly introduces the research background,the purpose and significance of the research,the research status at home and abroad,and the related concepts of the integration of curriculum and teaching materials.The second part analyzes the reasons for the integration of political textbooks and historical materials in middle schools.Analyzes the existing problems of the political and historical branch teaching in middle school and the feasibility of integrating teaching materials.The third part is the practical analysis of the integration of teaching materials.This part is mainly to explore the principles and strategies of the integration of teaching materials,and in the use of integration principles and strategies based on four parts,using four different methods,try to integrate the textbook catalog.The fourth part analyzes the precautions of the teaching material integration process,and also puts forward the difficulties in the current teaching material integration work.Finally,it is full of confidence in the development of teaching materials under the theory of comprehensive curriculum in our country.It is hoped that we will be able to attract the attention of middle school teachers to the integration of teaching materials,strengthen the connection of knowledge among disciplines and develop their own teaching materials.
Keywords/Search Tags:Political life, Political history, Comprehensive course, Teaching material integration
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