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Research On Optimizing The Teaching Of Biological Concept In High School By Exploring Teaching

Posted on:2018-02-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q MoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518456528Subject:Subject teaching, biology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The concept of biology is one of the basic units of high school biology knowledge structure and knowledge system,and it is also a bridge connecting each chapter.In the process of high school biology learning,students only have a deep understanding of the basic concepts of biology and accurate grasp,in order to clearly grasp the basic knowledge of biology and basic knowledge framework in order to achieve knowledge migration and promote the development of thinking.However,under the influence of the pressure of further study,teachers in the concept of teaching process will generally be the concept of the concept as the main teaching objectives,ignoring the concept of the formation of the process of the important role of students,this passive acceptance of biological concept of learning Students' understanding of the concept feels difficult and boring,and students rarely take the initiative to participate in the study of biological concepts.With the reform and development of basic education curriculum in China,inquiry teaching has been vigorously promoted and developed,its purpose is to improve our country is still widespread teachers actively instill knowledge,students passively accept,a lot of exercises to consolidate the knowledge of education.So as to effectively improve the students' interest in learning,learning ability and discipline,and promote the comprehensive development of students.For this reason,this paper puts forward the idea of using exploratory teaching to optimize the concept teaching of high school biology.This paper explores the concept of "organic integration of high school biological concept teaching and inquiry teaching".The thesis is divided into five parts:Part one:IntroductionFirst of all,this paper describes the background of this study,starting from the basic requirements of the curriculum standards of basic education in China,the importance of the concept of biology teaching and inquiry teaching in high school.Secondly,based on the current biological concept teaching and learning obstacles,as well as the characteristics of the concept of biology itself,this paper puts forward the problems to be studied.Furthermore,the research ideas,research methods and significance of this study are briefly described.The second part:summary of relevant theoriesThrough the analysis of the domestic and foreign related teaching theories and teaching methods,the concept of biology,concepts and definitions,characteristics and functions of inquiry teaching and other aspects of analysis,and on this basis,the concept of the teaching of biological inquiry teaching based on the performance of.The third part:the current situation of biology teaching in Senior High School.By referring to the relevant literature and network resources,the questionnaire was compiled,and the current situation of biology teaching in senior high school was investigated from two aspects:Teachers' teaching and students' learning.The subjects were teachers and students from some high schools in Nanning,Baise,Liuzhou,and Hechi.The results of the survey are as follows:(1)The basic concept of the concept of teaching,principles and principles of understanding,the concept of high school biology in the basic position of the discipline,the lack of attention and attention.(2)The teacher in the teaching process will not change from the concept of memorizing facts to understand the concept,or will be used as the definition of the concept of biological knowledge teaching,the connotation and extension of the classroom focus on clarifying the concept,and the concept of the formation process of the lack of research and attention,emphasis on the concept of learning results,ignoring the cultivation of the students' thinking and knowledge transfer ability.(3)The concept of teachers in the teaching process,the application of most of the teachers are able to attach importance to the concept,but the application is relatively single,too much emphasis on the students to memorize the concept,deepen the understanding or by way of the concept of exercise training.(4)Teachers generally think that there are some difficulties in the teaching of the concept of teaching,in which the biggest confusion is that the total number of students can not remember the concept of teachers focus on the lack of appropriate teaching strategies.(5)High school students realize that biology is closely related to real life.In biology learning,pay more attention to the understanding of related concepts.But for high school students,biology concept teaching methods have some negative emotions,for teaching the concept of teachers' indifferent attitude.In the process of concept learning,it will solve the difficulties,but lack of coping strategies and communication with teachers.(6)The students of senior high school students on the whole concept of learning show some interest,pay more attention to the concept of class learning,but learning the concept class lack of initiative,not good to collate and summarize the concept,will not take the initiative to contact between the concept of carding,indirect interest is relatively weak.(7)Most high school students to understand concepts for defining knowledge,Used by the memory to understanding the biological concept,deepening the concept through the practice of understanding on ontology knowledge learning concept,the course of study is lack of scientific method,class learning lack of autonomous learning ability,lack of spirit of inquiry learning after class.The understanding of the concept is only on the level of biological facts.The fourth part:the use of inquiry teaching to promote the teaching of biological conceptsAccording to the investigation of the biological concept teaching in senior high school,the author combined with the experience in this aspect of the theory of learning and teaching,proposed the use of inquiry teaching to promote the teaching of biological concepts,and a detailed discussion.The fifth part:the teaching design of biology concept teaching based on Inquiry Teaching.Two typical high school biology courses in the concept of teaching content,design based on the concept of inquiry based teaching cases.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school biology, inquiry teaching, optimization, concept teaching
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