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"Occupy Wall Street" Under The Perspective Of Higher Education

Posted on:2018-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330515979989Subject:Comparative Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Higher education in the United States has gone into the popularization stage since the 1970 s,the number of people receiving higher education has more than 50%.Affected by the Arab spring,the Occupy Wall Street movement broke out on September 17,2011 in New York,USA.The main participants of the occupy Wall Street movement are Middle-young people.Most of them have received higher education in the United States,and among them,college students and young people who have just graduated from college occupied an important part.Higher education in the United States has developed very fast since world war ?,American first-class universities have obvious advantage in the world university rankings.Many college students at home and abroad think it proud to attend the American university.It is these young students from different universities and colleges in the United States that take part in the protests.After a month,"occupation" of colleges and universities movement were across more than 70 colleges and universities in the United States.Thus university became important sites for the "occupy Wall Street “movement.In the "occupy Wall Street" movement,the appeal of college students mainly concentrated in the rising tuition,high debt and employment difficulties.At the same time,the call of the college teachers should also not be ignored.By means of banners,slogans,reading and lectures,the college teachers protest against their unfair treatment,such as cancel of tenured professor system,increased workload,effort,reduced benefit and the teachers' union attacked,etc.Academic circles have different point of view on the "occupy Wall Street" movement.Most people support the movement,because these problems do exist in the current higher education in the United States and are in urgent need of the authorities to take measures to solve.A small number of people think it is a worthless farce.This article first introduces the overall background of the "occupy Wall Street Movement",which Outlines the "occupy Wall Street" of higher education in the United States: higher education funds nontransparent,the decrease of higher education quality,the enterprization of management.Then higher education appeals from the college students and teachers are presented,and influences on American higher education are induced from the perspective of the college students' career choice,college employment guidance institutions,education funding channels,teachers' reform system,etc.Finally,through the study of the movement,the conclusion is reached,which is combined with the current situation and problems of the Chinese higher education,to give some warning.
Keywords/Search Tags:“Occupy Wall Street”, American Higher Education, Social Movement
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