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On The Language Optimization Teaching Of Junior School Students' Narrative Writing

Posted on:2018-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J GeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 2011,the Ministry of Education promulgated the "full-time compulsory education language curriculum standards" emphasizes the Chinese language curriculum both the instrumental and human nature of the dual nature,And put forward the explicit requirement of the teaching of the narrative language in the junior middle school language:“write the narrative article,express the intention clear,the content is concrete.” So narrative style has become the highlight of composition teaching in junior high school.As the junior high school students often appear in the writing of chaos,narrative is not clear and so on.The optimization of narrative language has become an important research topic in composition teaching.Here is the "optimization" contains two meanings: one is to its dregs,so that the language is accurate and smooth;the second is its essence,to achieve language beautification.So I try to contact the current junior high school students in the narrative writing common language problems,try to give a specific optimization strategy,hoping to improve the junior high school students narrative writing language expression,but also look forward to be able to bring junior high school teachers a little system of writing Teaching enlightenment,to the teachers to provide some narrative language to optimize the training of writing methods.The paper is divided into three parts.The first part summarizes the theoretical support and realistic basis of the teaching of narrative writing in junior middle school and the requirements and significance of teaching in narrative language.This paper discusses the theoretical support of narrative writing language optimization from the aspects of physical and mental development and aesthetic observation of adolescents,and confirms the requirements of narrativewriting teaching from the requirements of new curriculum requirements and the preparation of new teaching materials,and demonstrates the necessity and significance of language optimization teaching from theory and reality.The second part lists the language expression and language teaching in the series of questions,the language expression of speech misconduct,verbal distortion,verbal loss of language,language teaching performance is only do not teach,only teach not practice,only assessment does not change,and from the teachers,students,the environment analysis of the three reasons.The third part lists the implementation of the language optimization from the perspective of teaching attitude,teaching approach and teaching method.Teachers should improve their aesthetic accomplishment,pay attention to language training,and cultivate students 'aesthetic sense of language.Finally,we provide specific language optimization training methods for teachers' groups,from speech,word,sentence,chapter,style and so on.Drawing,expansion,imitation,rewriting, optimize the student's narrative writing language.
Keywords/Search Tags:junior high school, narrative writing, language optimization, teaching
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