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Return Of The Body In Classroom

Posted on:2018-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330512987243Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"The absence of the body in education" is presented at many levels,especially in primary and secondary education.This study chooses classroom as the research field,and chooses bell hooks' '"Engaged Pedagogy" as the research perspective.Use it to redefine the narrowed "body" concept in previous classroom,to showthe ideal picture of"the classroom with the body",then seek some possiblepaths to lead the body return to education.The main contents of this study include the following four aspects:Firstly,explore howthe body in the classroom be misused from three perspectives"the functional body","the standardized body" and "the abstinent body",so to answer why in the idea of "Engaged Pedagogy" the body is indispensable;Secondly,state the concept of body in this study is not only contains the brain as a part,but also includes human perception,gender tendency,social situation and other factors in the teaching field,through "decolonize" the previous idea of body,to engage the body with "Eros" actively participate in the classroom,so that the "dis-embodied"education become "embodied";Thirdly,describe the ideal state of the classroom after return of the body,which should be the integration of complete,free and passionate,with life experience engaged in the classroom,teaching could promote self-development and self-actualization of individuals,with the quality of mind-opening,teachers and students share the sense of inter-subjectivity,and with the "rational love" generated,learning become the common purpose to pursue;Fourthly,try to find some execute solution on "how to lead the body return to the classroom",which is to build a kind of "partnership" between teachers and students,then to build a "Learning Community" in the classroom,thus forming a virtuous circle of teaching space,in this process,both "voiced" and "silent" body plays a key role.
Keywords/Search Tags:classroom, body, body return, bell hooks, engaged pedagogy
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