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Research On The Development Of Community Home Care Service In Anqing City

Posted on:2019-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330542493608Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the irreversible trend of population aging,all countries in the world are paying attention to the issue of pension.At present,the drawbacks of the traditional pension model gradually appear.The new pension service model of home-based pension has become a hot issue in the aging population.In recent years,the government of our country has promulgated various policies to encourage the development of home-based pension services.Continue to establish,we can see that home care service model is also actively promoted by our country.Most of the research on home-based care for the study of Beijing,Shanghai and other economically developed cities,and the research is also partial theory,research on home-based pension services in small cities are few.Anqing is a traditional small agricultural city.In the face of the increasingly serious aging trend,in 2010,it started to develop community home-based care services and actively explored the home-care service model.However,in the practice of the past years,what kind of development process,what is the status quo of development,what is the demand of the elderly for community-based home-care services?What is the development of the community-based home-care services?In the community Home care of the elderly in the process of what are the problems and deficiencies,through an investigation of the field in Anqing,Anqing community home care services for the development of the elderly were studied.The study mainly studies the development of home-based care services in Anqing through observation,interview and questionnaire survey.This paper investigates the demand of community-based elderly care services and the development of community home-based care services by the elderly in Anqing City on the spot through questionnaire survey and finds that most of the elderly in the community are urban retired employees.Many elderly people have pensions.However,Do not understand,and even most people have not heard of community home care services;community elders yearning for a rich spiritual life,but less leisure.This article studies the development of community-based aged care service in Anqing City from the development of community home-based care services in Anqing City,the needs of the elderly,the status quo of community-based old-age care services in the neighborhood of Xiaosu Road in Anqing City.As the home community in Anqing City,home just in the development stage,fewer types of services,coverage is small,for the elderly growing demand for pension is difficult to meet.There are many problems in the development of home-based care services in the community:lack of understanding of home-based care services,inadequate participation,inadequate relevant systems,inadequate publicity of policies,inadequate facilities,poor service quality,inadequate staffing and lack of professionals Etc.,which restrict the development of home-based pension services in Anqing City community.Finally,this article proposes the suggestions for further promoting the development of home-based care services in Anqing City based on the existing problems in the development of home-based care services in Anqing City.First,improve the regulations and policies on community-based home care,and increase publicity;Second,Ability to expand the government to purchase service coverage;Third,play a leading role in the government to form a wide range of financing channels;Fourth,to strengthen infrastructure services facilities,establish information platform;Fifth,strengthen the pension service industry team building and improve service levels;Sixth,Change the concept of raising the elderly home-based pension.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anqing City, community, home care services, development
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