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Research On Youth Armymen's Resistance To Hostile Forces' Ideology Permeation

Posted on:2016-08-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330536967711Subject:Army Political Work
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the National Conference of Propaganda Work,President Xi Jinping once emphasizes that “ideology work is an undertaking which is of extreme importance to our party.We must play a leading role in ideological management and the right of discourse.It is by no means that we should ignore it,or we will make historic mistakes.At present,the fight in the ideology field is quite keen and complex.As an armed force for solidifying the party's ruling position and maintain the country's strategic interest,our army is the first to bear the brunt of hostile forces' ideology permeation.The youth armymen are the fresh troops and also the will-be success for the cause of making our army strong and prosperous,they are the key points of hostile forces' ideology permeation.A survey on how the youth armymen resist the hostile forces' ideology permeation effectively is of great meaningfulness to guarantee that the army will be absolutely loyal,pure and reliable,the army ideology is in the right path,and youth armymen grow into the new-generation revolutionary armymen with the force characteristics of soul,ability,courage and virtue.Firstly,the paper makes a summary and conclusion to the basis situation of hostile forces' ideology permeation,and thinks that the ideology permeation mainly concludes military de-politicization and non-party,military nationalization,constitutional democracy,neoliberalism,history nihilism and “universal values”.Both new and traditional media are the main channels.Being politicalized,concealed,deceptive and over a long period are the prominent features.Secondly,the paper carries a research of the present situation of the youth armymen's resistance to hostile forces' ideology permeation.It is found that under this background,a small group of youth armymen's military ideology is shocked;their political identity sense weakens;their values turn to be utilitarian and the history recognition also deviates.Although the troops has taken many measures to resist the ideology permeation,like information monitoring,theory equipment,carrying out subject education and creating sound environment,the effectiveness is limited due to: monitoring defect,emphasize degree,ability and quality of political cadres,and features of youth armymen.Lastly,the paper puts forward the suggestions for effectively resisting hostile forces' ideology permeation for youth armymen: promoting ideological awareness,strengthening ideological education,improving the existing measures,broadening methodologies,perfecting mechanism and building a qualified backbone team to resist the permeation.
Keywords/Search Tags:youth armymen, hostile forces, ideology permeation
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