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Study On The Life And Health Protection Mechanism Of Compulsory Isolation Drug Addicts

Posted on:2018-08-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z YanFull Text:PDF
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In order to protect the life and health rights of drug addicts,the drug control law takes compulsory isolation measures for seriously addicted addicts,and regards drug addicts as the central concept of drug treatment. The system of compulsory isolation and rehabilitation has undergone a major change in the orientation of drug addicts. From the identity of drug addicts and offenders, they have changed to three identities, namely,offenders, patients and citizens. To obtain good medical insurance is the prerequisite for the realization of the right of life and health for drug addicts. As a requirement of "sick people", the medical insurance system for drug addicts should be improved. Indeed,protecting the rights of life and health of drug addicts is not only the objective requirement of human rights protection, but also important to the maintenance of public health security. Taking drugs can easily infect and spread many diseases,especially AIDS and tuberculosis. With the rapid spread of new synthetic drugs, the number of drug addicts due to abuse of psychoactive substances caused by mental disorders is increasing,the need to strengthen the prevention and control of infectious diseases and mental illness mechanism and improve the place of tuberculosis and AIDS prevention and control system. Only the implementation of the basic health care system,strengthen the old sick detoxification medical security, strict control of infectious diseases, improve physical therapy rehabilitation level, in order to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of drug addicts, to achieve effective protection of the rights of life and health of drug addicts. The Narcotics Control Commission should really perform the functions of organization and coordination. Through the integration of social medical resources, the establishment of classified medical networks should be established, and the multi referral mode with the judicial administrative organs as the leading role should be established.This paper consists of three parts:The first part explains the connotation of the life and health right of drug addicts,and combs the status quo of the legal protection of the right to life and health of drug addicts. First of all, as the "sick person" position, the health rights and interests of the addicts should be specially protected by law, and the definition and content of the right to health care for addicts should be defined. The drug addicts during compulsory detoxification treatment is entitled to maintain the normal physiological function,maintain good social adaptability,access to basic medical security and maintain appropriate standards of living rights; secondly, according to the relevant provisions of the constitution of our country and the norms of international human rights law, can be derived from the government's commitment to the citizens health responsibility. As a citizen, sick old drug addicts have the right to get help from the national society; finally,combing the practice of protecting the rights of life and health of drug addicts legal norms. Moreover, China's mental health law has refined the provisions for psychological treatment of drug addicts, and the Elderly Rights Protection Law and the law on the protection of disabled people pay attention to long-term care and social assistance for disabled elderly people.The second part analyzes the procuratorial supervision mechanism, the prevention and control of infectious diseases and the medical security of drug addicts. Is there a place of drug functionmisplaces detention period of thinking is still not perfect;rehabilitation medical security system, the lack of multi referral mechanism, treatment function places of emergency ability to bear the critical. Two, there is a lack of procuratorial supervision in the place, and there is a blind spot in the supervision of the law enforcement work in the drug rehabilitation sites, and the legitimate rights and interests of drug addicts can not be fully guaranteed. Three place is failed to establish perfect infectious disease prevention and control system, especially the existence of hidden places of tuberculosis and AIDS prevention and control work; places generally did not set up a contagious disease from diseased area, unable to carry out drug classification management system. Four place is lack of special health care sick old drug addicts, from the broad scope leads to a large number of sick old addicts long-term detention places; not established professional treatment system, sick old drug addicts there are severe health risks.The third part, in order to protect the rights of life and health of drug addicts as the core, from the improvement of the medical security system perspective, discusses how toperfect the procuratorial supervision mode,sound control mechanism,construction of medical security system of infectious diseases sick old problems such as drug addicts. Is a place should perfect the procuratorial supervision system of procuratorial supervision of the people's Procuratorate of the place of law enforcement work; after the change of supervision prior supervision, prevent the occurrence of violations of the legitimate interests of drug addicts; two is the place to strengthen the prevention and control mechanism of infectious diseases and mental disorders, to establish the information management system of infectious diseases and psychiatric rehabilitation personnel. Three is the perfect place for tuberculosis and HIV / AIDS prevention and control system, the infectious disease prevention and control system in place of TB prevention and control society, strengthen coordination and the establishment of the Department of disease control and prevention; occupation exposure preferential treatment system, let the medical staff work, provide good health care and treatment services for drug addicts. The four is to protect the rights of life and health of drug addicts and reasonable medical treatment right, need to build a reasonable medical security system; the sick old drug with chronic disease management and prevention and treatment of infectious diseases into the national basic public health prevention and control system; the establishment of drug and the Central Hospital of infectious diseases treated concentrated area; break trade barriers, the implementation of multi judicial compulsory isolation the drug under the auspices of the referral system.
Keywords/Search Tags:drug addicts, protection of the right to life and health, medical security
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