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Research On The Necessity And Perfect Of Grassroots Legal Service Workers

Posted on:2018-11-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L M HeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China's grassroots legal service workers(GRLSW)emerged in the 1980s.Over the past 30 years,they have been meeting the needs of grass-roots legal service and maintaining social stability.In the grass-roots legal service system,according to their administrative levels,all workers are divided into a "county-township-village" tertiary structure system.With the advantages of setting up directly in the towns GRLSW obtain a center position in the system and gain an edge to satisfy the demand for grass-roots legal services.Recall the history of the GRLSW,however,it is a new thing that no regulation,precedent and the support of theory,it's development deeply depends on the support of authorities' policies and administrative measures.In the lack of regulations that would support GRLSW in a specific way,it suffered a series of test with the change of new policy.Especially since the 2000 restructuring reform and some new legislation,"Administrative licensing law" and "Lawyers law",enacted make the legitimacy of the GRLSW to provide legal services serious threated.In order to solve this problem,the legal profession has a voice asked the GRLSW out of legal services.What should the GRLSW to do?Whether they should quit the historical stage?The paper uses structural functionalism theory as research tools to analyze the GRLSW and finally draw the conclusion:Unbalanced development of economy and culture in our country determines the multi-level characteristics of social law demand,demand for legal services of rural areas is still at low level.Until the countryside crowds have the capacity to pay the lawyer services the GRLSW will be a better choice.The right attitude toward this not to design a new thing to replace it,but to enhance the standard management in order to lead them into healthy and orderly development.In terms of GRLSW related problems,the author puts forward some proposals in order to promote grassroots legal service workers to better serve the masses at the grass-roots level.
Keywords/Search Tags:grass roots, legal service workers, function
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