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Study About Public Participation In Traffic Management

Posted on:2016-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J T YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330512969999Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of economy,gradually accelerating urbanization and sharp rise in urban population,cars and other motor vehicles also increase rapidly,which loads great pressure on urban traffic management.Transportation industry development is the guarantee of city development and people's living standard improving,but the current problem of urban traffic management in our country is becoming more and more,mainly including urban growth and urban road motor vehicles caused by the contradiction between supply and demand of urban traffic congestion and that urban traffic management means backward citizens for urban traffic management departments and personnel do not match.In the general "public participation" in the party's 18th in the system of social management and public participation is an important way of social management pattern.Public participation in the transportation management is imperative,therefore the paper on the basis of the study of Shaoxing transportation management public participation problem analysis has vital significance.This thesis Shaoxing city traffic management as a case study of urban traffic management of public participation survey analysis,In the process of writing the first paper use literature research,reading through the extensive literature analysis,review of domestic and public participation has been mastered,public participation and understanding of urban traffic management theory,the paper provides a theoretical basis for writing;Secondly,the use of interviews,surveys the status of Shaoxing City Traffic Management public participation investigation and analysis of Shaoxing city traffic management department personnel and the masses visits and questionnaires,survey data statistical analysis to identify public participation problems;Thereafter,the current situation of foreign public participation were analyzed and summarized its public participation mechanisms to improve our inspiration;Finally,the main problem of urban traffic management Shaoxing public participation exist,learn development status abroad,to develop appropriate solutions.Research of this paper hopes to better promote the development of public participation mechanisms,accelerate the building of democracy in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public Participation, Urban Traffic, Traffic Management
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