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Research On Evaluation Of Regulations' Integrity

Posted on:2016-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H NiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330470984548Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Evaluation of regulations' integrity is an act to check if local regulations, government regulations or other normative documents meet the requirement of integrity stipulation,or if any incorrupt risk and loophole exist,to make suggestions for emendation or abolish,supervise and restrain the policymaking departments.It is an important work for construction of Chinese corruption prevention system,as well as an innovation and a fundamental solution to prevent and manage the corruption from the beginning.Evaluation of regulations' integrity had been started from 2009 and gets a good effect in return.Right now,this work is under exploration stage and we do not understand comprehensively.With 5W1 H method,analyisis the condition of evaluation in China from this work's necessity,content,object,territory,subject and procedure,which will be contributed to understand,analyze and control this work comprehensively. Variant attemptation and exploration had been taken in every local place during this evaluation,and fitable working modes are formed gradually.But plenty of deficiencies still exist during this work,which consist of insufficient definiteness content,localization between evaluater and evaluatee,defective organized system and insolidify of process,etc. In order to further perfect evaluation system,this text starts from evaluation content,extending evaluater and working range,enhancing organized system,and ends to improve evaluation flow.PDCA quality control system is infused in this work to improve evaluation flow and cut down the corruption problems which happens from the beginng to the end of one institution.The applied PDCA system will make this evaluating dynamically and continuously,thus ensuring the normalization and routinization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Corruption prevention, Evaluation of regulations' integrity, 5W1H, PDCA
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