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The Research On Chang Shen Theory Of The Ancient Painting

Posted on:2019-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330569995030Subject:Art theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chang Shen is the core category of the ancient painting function theory,first proposed by the Zong Bing in the painting theory called Hua Shan Shui Xu,.it is about the aesthetic function of landscape painting,on the aesthetic of landscape painting,with the spirit of self as the starting point,to get rid of the shackles of freedom in high official positions and riches,aloof the mood to experience,perception and contemplation in painting,aesthetic subject and object in merging into a word forget everything,from the super free spirit shape to wisdom.As one of the ancient core theories of painting,Chang Shen has a rich connotation in its historical development.It not only has an important influence on the appreciation of painting,but also has a profound impact on the creation of painting.This article focuses on the study of the ancient painting theory Chang Shen,and discusses the three aspects of the theory,the development of history,the theory of creation and the theory of appreciation.The first chapter mainly discusses the proposition and historical development of Chang Shen.First,it traces back to the source of the theory of Chang Shen.The origin of Chang Shen is in the Southern Dynasties,but its source can be traced back to the Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties.The Taoist philosophy of Lao Zhuang in the pre Qin period and the natural aesthetic view of the Han Dynasty have played an important role in the proposal of Chang Shen.Secondly,from the Wei Jin period to the Qing Dynasty,the historical development of Chang Shen was briefly reviewed.Chang Shen was said after the introduction of Zong Bing,all the painting theorist had discussed it.This category was almost throughout the history of ancient painting theory.In the course of its development,the category of Zi Yu,Yue Qing,Shi Yi,Yi Xing and Di Fan Jin were similar in the category.The domain also enriches the connotation of Chang Shen.The second chapter discusses the relationship between Chang Shen and painting creation.Chang Shen has an important influence on the creation of painting.First of all,the reason of Chang Shen is created by that the painter takes painting as an interest and creates it with the purpose of self entertainment,and then makes it Chang Shen.Secondly,the painter can express his Yi Qi to express his emotion,make themselves Chang Shen,and the function of Chang Shen can encourages the painter to make a painting,and obtains aesthetic pleasure from it,and provides a motive for creation.Finally,the Chang Shen of painting creation requires that a painter should treat painting creation with freedom and utilitarian mindset.The third chapter mainly discusses the relationship between Chang Shen and painting appreciation.First of all,from the point of view of painting to discuss the Chang Shen.Basic factor of the painting appreciation is the form of Yue Mu.As the visual arts,the first step of paintin is to gmeet the audiences.Chuan Shen is the key factors of the appreciation of Chang Shen,so Chuan Shen can make the audience Chang Shen from Yue Mu to Yue Xin.Secondly,from the perspective of the appreciation of Chang Shen.The viewer in the paintings should have Linquan heart,Silence state of mind,no utilitarian attitude of painting appreciation.In addition,Chang Shen,as a function of painting,can not only bring spiritual enjoyment to people,but also is good for people's health.It can make pleasant temperaments and edify sentiment to increase viewers' longevity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ancient Painting, Chang Shen, Creation theory, Appreciation theory
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