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Translation Strategies For C-E Translation Of Sci-Tech News—A Communicative Translation Theory Perspective

Posted on:2017-06-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L F CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330566456232Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Over recent years,great importance has been attached to the dissemination of sci-tech news as China has made great progress in science and technology.How to translate sci-tech news accurately and concisely from Chinese into English thus becomes a hot spot in the field of translation.For the purpose of getting better English translation of sci-tech news,this report intends to study it from the perspective of communicative translation theory.Semantic translation and communicative translation are two key theories proposed by Peter Newmark.When adopting semantic translation,translators should render more closely to the form of source texts within the constraints of the target grammatical structures.Semantic translation is an objective procedure since it emphasizes on being loyal to the original author and culture.Yet the semantic translation tends to be complex and awkward.When adopting communicative translation,translators should attempt to break away from limits of the original and lay great emphasis on the communication of information.Communicative translation is a subjective procedure since it is concerned mainly with the receptors,and it addresses itself solely to the target language and will not leave the target readers with difficulties or obscurities.A communicative translation is likely to be smooth,simple and clear.After summarizing the stylistic features of English sci-tech news,the author of the report analyzed the feasibility of the application of Newmark's communicative translation theory and then proposed the following four major translation strategies in the English translation of Chinese sci-tech news.First,redundant words shall be removed and essential information shall be selected from the source text to cater to target reader's expectation;Second,relevant background information shall be added to enhance target reader's comprehension;Third,when it comes to the lexical aspect,concise and common words are preferable than the complex and unfamiliar ones,and word-class transference is an efficient skill to facilitate readability;Fourth,the author proposed three strategies from the syntactic aspect,including merging short and scattered sentences into composite ones,rearranging order of the meaning units as well as adopting parenthesis as the decorative component of sentences.
Keywords/Search Tags:sci-tech news, semantic translation theory, communicative translation theory, translation strategies
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