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Report On Chinese-English Translation Of Chapter One In Volume Two Of A Critique Of Translation Theories In Chinese Tradition

Posted on:2019-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Z LiuFull Text:PDF
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Since the beginning of the new century,China has made considerable achievements in constructing her translation studies as a discipline,and developed the disciplinary pattern composed of studies of translation theories in Chinese tradition,of contemporary Western translation theories,and of translation criticism.To the formation of this pattern,Zhongguo Chuantong Yilun Jingdian Quanshi(A Critique of Translation Theories in Chinese Tradition),as a Chinese monograph devoted to the theoretical pursuit of translation,has made significant contribution.Its English translation will play a positive role in pushing ahead the transmission of Chinese translation scholars' research achievements and facilitating the Western translation community to get information of the long translation history of China and the status quo of contemporary translation studies in the country,thus promoting academic exchange between the two sides in the regard.Therefore,the translation project is of much translation value and practical significance.The object of translation for the present translation project is Chapter One in Volume II of the book,with more than ten thousand Chinese characters.The original Chinese text,on the whole,is a piece of academic writing,and in style,it is highly objective,argumentative,logical,well-knit,and concise.It also contains some parts with explicit literariness.Therefore,the text calls for reproductive translation as the dominant and impressionistic approach as the supplementary.On the basis of her analysis of the original text and some other related factors,the translator conducts its translation into English and finishes her translation report.It includes four chapters,covering introduction to the project,clarification of the translation principle,strategy,and methods,case analysis,and conclusion,with the Chinese text and its English version as its appendices.In the translating process,the translation tries to realize the translational objective that the translation should retain the theoretical concept system,the ways of argumentation,and the textual configuration of the original text,and meanwhile present stylistically some typical features marking English academic writings in publication.Aiming at adequate readability,the translator renders the version for academic communication with the English-speaking academia of translation studies.As far as translation practice goes,the translator adopts the reproductive approach as the dominant strategy and the impressionistic approach as the supplementary,with different emphasis on translating the sections in the Chinese text with different stylistic features.She applies various translating methods on the different linguistic levels,so as to put her translation strategy into effect.By her translation,the translator hopes to make sure that the translated version can be close to the requirement for the publication of similar works in the domain,and that the translation can be helpful to transmitting Chinese translation scholars' research achievements to the outside world and informing the target readers of the long history of translation theory in Chinese tradition.
Keywords/Search Tags:A Critique of Translation Theories in Chinese Tradition, C-E translation, academic translation, translation strategy
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