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Research On Naming Motivation Of Insect In ShuoWen

Posted on:2019-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330542455136Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
One of the important tasks of Chinese traditional linguistics is to find the reason why things are named.Insects as early as hundreds of millions of years ago already exist,closely related with human production and life.The literature records on insect knowledge provide valuable clues and abundant materials for us to explore the naming convention of insects." Shuowen· insect Unit " more comprehensive collection of the ancient names of insects,this paper combs and summarizes the selected "Shuowen· insect Unit " in the 60 insects as the research object,according to the characteristics of the classification,reference annotation And previous studies to determine the original meaning of worms.Then draw lessons from the theory of modern linguistics,explore the naming reason of the ancient insect name by using the cognate words,and use the sememe analysis to express the relationship between words and meaning.At last,it summarizes the types of justifications,reveals the naming rules,and analyzes the thinking characteristics of ancient people named things in ancient times from the perspective of cognitive linguistics.The full text is divided into five parts:The first part is introduction.This article briefly describes the purpose of research,research tasks and methods,research value and significance.Summarize the research on the nomenclature of ancient and modern Chinese nouns and the research status of worms.The second part is to determine the word selection criteria and the scope of the word selection of "Shuowen · insect Unit" and determine the original meaning.Sixty insects named " Shuowen · insect Unit " were selected as the research object,and the classification of insects was classified based on the body surface characteristics,and reference was made to the original meaning of the documents.The third part is to explore and analyze the nomenclature of the insect name which recorded in " Shuowen · insect Unit ".First of all,we clarify the search method of named motivation and determine the phonetic standard and meaning standard of cognate word judgment.Second,the literature and literature quoted predecessors note sparse,homologous words of the Department linked to explore the names of insects naming.Finally,using sememe analysis to describe the meaning relations between homonyms.The fourth part summarizes the nomenclature types and naming rules and characteristics of the insect name of " Shuowen · insect Unit ".Based on the analysis of naming motivation,we found that the ancestors mainly named the insects through metaphor association and metonymic association.Among them,the metaphor association naming is the main way of naming,accounting for a larger proportion of the specific embodiment of the audio metaphor association and appearance metaphor association.Relatively speaking,Metonymic associative naming account for a relatively small proportion,mainly as part of the characteristics of the transfer of the noumenon,the concrete manifestation is that life habit refers to the noumenon,the behavior result refers to the noumenon and the action noumenon refers to the three forms of noumenon.Finally,using the related theories of cognitive linguistics,this paper summarizes that the thinking mode of the ancestors' recognition of insects is more active than analogous thinking,focusing on visual representations,grasping salient features and relying on previous material experience.The fifth part,conclusion.Briefly summarize the research results of the dissertation,and point out the shortcomings of the dissertation.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Shuowen·Chong Unit", insect name, Homology, Theoretical basis of nomenclature, cognition
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