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A Study Of Xu Yuanchong's Translation Of Thebookofpoetry: A Translationaesthetic Approach

Posted on:2018-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330536486078Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
TheBook of Poetry is the first collection and the essence of classic poetry in China.XuYuanchong's translation of The Book of Poetry occupies a pivotal position in modern translation research field.However,the difficulty of analyzing aesthetic features in Xu's version with valid textual analyses and appropriate theoretical foundations,has discouraged a lot of scholars.Translation Aesthetics grow promisingly in recent years and turn out to be a systemic theoretical framework for illustrating literary translation.This thesis focuses on the study of aesthetic features in Xu's translation from the perspective of Translation Aesthetics.The study finds that translation aesthetic theories put forward by Liu Miqing,share common aesthetic pursuits with those of Xu.Liu's theories treat literary works as the composition of “goodness” in Form and non-Form system,and the task of translation lies in reproducing the “goodness”.Accordingly,this thesis attaches great emphases to the analysis of aesthetic features embedded in Xu's version.Through the exploration into aesthetic representation in view of translation aesthetic theories,the author concludes that Xu's version focuses on the faithful and graceful delivery of source aesthetic information in both Form and non-Form system.And it also emphasizes innovative strategies through absorbing target language advantages to appeal to target readers,when faithfulness can hardly be achieved.The thesis thus advocates that translators should take faithful yet properly flexible strategies in translating.By doing this,they can produce translations of high quality and finally make contributions to the transmission of Chinese culture throughout the world.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Book of Poetry, XuYuanchong, Translation Aesthetics
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