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On Leisure Aesthetics In The Book Of Poetry

Posted on:2021-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z W ChengFull Text:PDF
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Writing about leisure aesthetics in the Book of Poetry is a direct life experience of "poets" with the help of the image of life activities in the intuitive material world,with the current intuitive feelings and the frank of life experiences.The knowledge of survival tells people that they should take part in activities which are different from everyday life,it can help people "separate" their daily lives for a while,and then people could ease the original "procedures" sense of depression and get rid of the drowsy numbness pains,with expressing the feelings of freedom.On this basis,individual life goes in for live with aesthetic attitude,and achieves perfect integration with the world of material objects,realizes the transcendence of self-life form;it is able to construct the leisure self-meaning in aesthetics and break through the existence of life's secular fence;Meantime,combining the limitation of the body with the infinite life,With the material world in the presence and the imaginary world of imagination,the "leisure time and space" is constructed with language and behavior,the display of life activities of the free space,understanding the true meaning of life's existence.Somebody will taste aesthetic beauty with getting the liberation of life and achieving the ideal state of leisure in the "leisure time and space".Since the May fourth,scholars have carried out in-depth study of the Book of Poetry from the perspective of folk customs,environment and culture,and expanded their research horizons,but there is still much room for digging.From the perspective of leisure aesthetics,it is beneficial for us to draw on the abundant leisure resources in ancient Chinese culture to serve modern life by excavating the physiological and psychological concerns hidden in the text of the Book of Poetry.First of all,it combs the leisure aesthetic elements and leisure aesthetic resources with producing the cultural environment and its characteristics in the text of the Book of Poetry.The leisure shows the life attitude,life style and aesthetic taste of the ancestors in the Book of Poetry.In the colorful life of the ancestors,they were able to participate in banquets,hunting and variousrecreational practices,to watch the performance of poetry and dance,and even some they can join in activities with a certain leisure time in the air to experience leisure.In particular,it can be appreciated the scene in front of you,and the object smelting,sense of quiet spirit,in the artistic life practice of the elegant experience of leisure and comfort.At the same time,"poets" with the help of ritual and performance of the elegant living art environment,in the relatively peaceful living conditions to practice the poetic attitude towards life,adjust the inner heart,to achieve spiritual intoxication,rich life.No matter what the meaning of leisure aesthetic resources,need the "Psalms" era of the specific cultural environment to assist,which is attached to the micro social system and macro-time and festivals of the general situation and constantly determine.Secondly,it analyzes the specific presentation of leisure aesthetic in the text of the Book of Poetry.The first category is the primitive society's continuous development of amusement,festivals and other activities,"poets" use poetry to express the fun and festival to participate in the fun and festival of the lively atmosphere,meanwhile there are ancient "travel" activities of sad-joy,and with the help of poetry to express their feelings.The second category is with the ritual nature of the sacrificial song and dance and banquet and other activities,these activities are an elegant life art embodiment on the Book of Poetry era,participants through the activities can experience a kind of artistic life of the fun.The third category is the material embodiment of aristocratic ostentatious sex life,these leisure methods are mainly displayed in the life of the social strata,they enjoy the various objects of food and clothing in accordance with the social hierarchy system,representing their social status and wealth,to some extent this is a manifestation of leisure alienation.This type of lifestyle focuses only on the ostentatious material enjoyment of people under the hierarchy,rather than on the physical and mental health regulation.The presentation of these specific ways mainly depends on the reproduction of the real-world living environment described in the text of the Book of Poetry,the variety of leisure places,so that the ancestors can obtain leisure resources under the limited time and space conditions.Thirdly,it explains the poetic habitat wisdom of the leisure aesthetic of the Book of Poetry.In a sense,the poetic survival wisdom is the beginning of the discovery of "person" and "hearts" in the Book of Poetry.These leisure aesthetic life with the poetry-music-dance trinity of elegantlife art form to meet a certain degree of reasonable desire,through entering this kind of artistic living environment to ease the repression in real life.Especially in the sacrifice and banquet and other activities produced by the temporary isolation of the state,which is the people to produce a profound expression of self-entertainment.As far as the elegant art of life embodied in leisure is concerned,they can forget the multiple pressures of real life when they are faced with the natural world and the humanistic world,and achieve the situation of integration and mutual integration,so as to raise interests and express their inner joy or sorrow,but the expression of these emotions is "born for people,And the continuous adult " life realm of the promotion,but also the individual life of the relatively free realm of the show,so as to constantly purify the self,wash dirty,re-engaged in the new road of life.Therefore,the thesis analyzes the leisure title contained in the Book of Poetry with the vision of leisure aesthetic,pays attention to the poetic experience produced by the leisure aesthetic subject,and experiences the beauty of life in the air in a dynamic time of existence.By analyzing the temporary isolation of "poets",texts and daily life,we taste the aesthetic taste of the objective aesthetic world formed under the "leisure time and space".Further,people can relax in labor(work),work(work)in leisure,in order to promote the spiritual vitality of people,adjust people's survival pressure,meet the existing life on the basis of full leisure.From this level to analyze the leisure aesthetic resources in the Book of Poetry,to explore the life attitude of the ancients,the way of life,etc.,in order to find different from the previous exploration of poetry itself research focus,a deeper depth of the excavation of the existence of poetry significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Book of Poetry, leisure Aesthetics, Lifestyle, Poetic Wisdom
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