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Rhetoric Function Of Phraseology In Advertising Language

Posted on:2017-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330536450028Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today advertising is an important part of life, and the language of advertising was the most important. By observing,we found that many of our slogans are applied to the phraseology. Chinese have created a very rich phraseology in the long life practice.Phraseology include: phrases, twisters, idioms, proverbs,old sayings and so on. Phraseology because of its fixed form, concise, vivid and other specific features of rhetoric, makes the advertising language more expressive. Phraseology in the use of language in advertising often have the appropriate rhetorical function, so as to achieve a good advertising effect. In this paper, the common life saying slogan as research subjects, on the basis of previous researches,From the perspective of rhetoric from five studies on advertising language: Analyzes the Advertising Language Phraseology rhetorical features and functions;From the perspective of research and analysis of voice of sayings slogan; Both from the words and sentences on the structure and function of advertising language in rhetoric sayings were studied; From the perspective of rhetorical studied Ad language sayings rhetoric; From sayings rhetorical image,flexibility, aesthetic and contextual compliance four aspects analyzed rhetorical effect of slogan sayings. From five aspects to discuss and research advertising language sayings Rhetoric Function, providing a new perspective to interpret the language of advertising.
Keywords/Search Tags:Advertising Language, Phraseology, Rhetoric Function, Rhetoric Features, Rhetoric Effect
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