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Study On Biography Writing Of Huizhou Genealogies In Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2018-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J AnFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330518988596Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Genealogy had a long history of Biography Collection.It probably experienced three important periods,at the end of the Tang Dynasty,Genealogy began to include biographies,In Song Dynasty,Dispatch and Genealogy turned into a whole,in Ming Dynasty,Genealogy and biography turned into a whole.The birth of the Genealogy was influenced by the Official history and the local chronicles,the creation of private genealogy,the Literati 's Consciousness of Writing,the induction of economic interests and the desire of be written into family history.The Ming Dynasty was an important period in which Huizhou genealogical biography was written.The number of genealogical biography increased,the master of the biography,the author of the biography became complicated.Based on the data of Huizhou genealogical biography,This article will take202 biographies of genealogy in the Ming Dynasty as an example,study the biography writing of Huizhou genealogies in Ming Dynasty,reveal the characteristics of the master and the author,and the relationship between the two.According to the different professional status,the master can be divided into officials,businessmen,general literati,ladies,technician,commoner and other categories.Genealogical biography wrote the master of the same identity,often took a similar writing style and writing methods,which reflect the image of the main port,also showing a group of people's characteristics.The geographical characteristics of biographers are significant,and their geographical distribution is centered on Huizhou area,and gradually declines to the surroundings.In addition,due to biographical genre,biography type of different,biographers in the official and the status of the imperial examinations are still different.The relationship between the author and the master is divided into eight categories,they are family relationships,kinship,generation relations,friend relationship,the relationship between the government and the people,fellow relationship,teacher-student relationship,colleague relationship.From the writing of biography,to see Huizhou social relations,in essence,is the relationship between the emblem and the scribes.The author of the biography confesses the relationship with the master or his relative,in order to express the fact that he isfamiliar with the master.This increases the authenticity and reliability of biography.Study on biography writing of Huizhou genealogies in Ming Dynasty is helpful to study the biographical writing theory,Huizhou genealogy theory,and Huizhou society in Ming Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Huizhou genealogy, Biography, Writing
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