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A Report On The Translation Of Smart Textiles For Designers (Chapter ?)

Posted on:2018-04-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of science and technology,English for Science and Technology(EST)has become a specialized frontier.Knowing about the features of EST can be extremely helpful for mankind to understand and master the developments and achievements of science and technology.As a result,the translation of EST has become increasingly important and widely applied in modern society.It plays a significant role in the exchange and transmission of the information on science and technology.Due to the objectivity of EST,one of the obvious characteristics of EST is that passive voice is widely used.This report focuses on the English-Chinese translation to illuminate the grammatical features of EST in details,among which the application of passive voice occupies the first place.The introduction to the translating strategies of passive voice and the analysis of the differences between English and Chinese are included in this report.This report is based on the translation of Chapter IV in Smart Textiles for Designers.It consists of five parts,which are introduction,process description,characteristics of the text,case analysis of translation and conclusion.The introduction briefly introduces the background,presents the main contents and the characteristics of the source text,and points out the main structure and main idea of this report.The process description mainly explains the preparation and execution with the sequence of pre-translation,process of translation and after-translation,which presents the translator has completed this translation and report by consulting the dictionaries,the parallel texts and literature.Apart from that,this part also gives a brief introduction to the parallel texts and shows what the translator has benefited from them.The third part of this report displays the characteristics of EST in lexical andsyntactic structures,which elaborates three types of the terminologies in EST,and proposes that the wide use of passive voice sentences,long and complicated sentences and sentences with no subjects in EST.The case analysis of the translation is the most essential part of this report;this part selects 12 passive voice sentences from the source text as the examples to analyze the skills and strategies of translation.In addition,the translator concludes and summarizes the types of passive voice sentences and the corresponding translation strategies.The report ends with the conclusion which lists the translator's reflections and insights that were obtained from this project,and explains the deficiencies and limitations of this report.The translator emphasizes that it is necessary for a translator to get familiar with the specialized knowledge on the source text and understand the similarities and differences between two languages.This translation report is intended to introduce and summarize the strategies of translating passive voice in EST.Besides,the translator also hopes this translation report could enlighten novices on translating EST and make some suggestions for students who major in MTI.
Keywords/Search Tags:Smart Textiles for Designers, English for Science and Technology, passive voice
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