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Practice Study Report On E-C Translation Of The English And Their History (Excerpts)

Posted on:2018-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330518485563Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Translation is not a mere transition of different language symbols.It also relates to the culture and history behind the language.America linguist and translator Eugene ·A · Nida proposed the theory of "functional equivalence",which points out the equivalence of content is superior to the equivalence of form.The primary function of translation is communication and the delivery of information and therefore reader's response to translation is vital in the process of evaluation.The English and Their History is the latest book by Robert Tombs who is the professor of history at Cambridge University.From perspectives of culture,history,society and economy,the book gives a profound analysis on the establishment of Britain and the unique character of British people.Based on the theory of "functional equivalence" and case analysis from his translation of two chapters,the author discusses reader's response and vocabulary translation.The English and Their History is a representative historical text.After an analysis on the purposes and features of the text,the author selects corresponding translation strategies.The author deems the complete and accurate delivery of information and reader's response is vital in the translation of historical text.
Keywords/Search Tags:The English and Their History, Historical Text, Functional Equivalence, Reader Reaction, Case Study
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