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Research On Li Bai Calligraphy

Posted on:2018-10-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330518475083Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Li Bai enjoys a high reputation in the history of Chinese culture because of his outstanding achievements in poetry.Although little of his calligraphy has been left,this great poet is also an eminent calligrapher.People know little about Li Bai's handwriting because his achievements in poem covers up his calligraphy achievements.As said in Volume nine in Xuanhe Calligraphic Florilegium,"Few of the people in Tang dynasty have illegible handwriting." Some of the great poets of Tang Dynasty are also masters of calligraphy,such as Li Bai,Du Fu,Bai Juyi,Li Shangyin,Du Mu,and so on.This paper is specified in the following aspects:Li Bai's life,the historical background that formed his calligraphy art style,the literal content and the artistic features of his calligraphy,Li Bai's calligraphic aesthetics,the association between Li Bai and the five greatcontemporary calligraphers,covering various aspects of the case study.The three calligraphic works left by Li Bai are all about his own poems which are a little different from that in his anthology.This paper makes a brief analysis on the creation year,place and style of the three calligraphic works.The poem Send He Zhizhang to Shaoxing was written when Li Bai was 44 years old.He was in Chang'an at that time.The style of this calligraphic work can be summed up in two words:unrestrained and elegant.His another calligraphic work Shang Yang Tai was also written in his middle age when Li Bai was in Luo Yang after leaving Chang' an.Thestyle of this work can be generalized as bold and unrestrained.The third work Xin Feng Lou was written in his old age,the style of which can be summed up as handsome and elegant.Based on these three styles,we can see that elegant is the quintessence of his handwriting.And the aesthetic standard of Li Bai's handwriting is natural and unrestrained.Li Bai's calligraphy aesthetics is advocating halal,chic,advocating natural,natural and unrestrained.This not only can be seen from his three book traces,but also from his poetry and song "Wang Youjun" cursive show he advocates a fast-paced,freehand cursive.Li Bai with the same age of five he Zhizhang,Zhang Xu,Li Yong,calligrapher Li Yangbing,Huai Su have contacts in different degree,there are three distinct features of communication and their personality.One is Li Bai and five are friendship between old and young people.Two is Li Bai and five people have the common good,six people are good at poetry and calligraphy.The three is six,mostly like drinking character wild,with romantic temperament.By Li Bai and their Tang Dynasty calligraphers calligraphy as you explore these friends,Li Bai could see Li Bai's calligraphy good teachers and helpful friends,or influenced or coach from the school in the process they have influence relation of Li Bai's calligraphy and book is similar to the five wind.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Bai, Aesthetic thought, Calligraphy, Poetry, Communicati
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