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A Report On Consecutive Interpreting Of The Lecture On Media Ecology

Posted on:2018-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WeiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a practice report on consecutive interpreting of a lecture on Media Ecology given by Professor Lance Strate in Henan University,this thesis describes the interpreting task conducted by the author.The thesis is mainly divided into two parts.The first part is composed of the original text and an interpretation of approximate 18,000 words.The second part is the interpreting practice report,which discusses effective strategies and solutions during consecutive interpreting based on the analysis of this interpreting practice.The interpreting practice report can be divided into four chapters.The first chapter is the task description,which explains the background and the client's requirements.The second chapter is the description of the interpreting process.And the author illustrates the interpreting process from perspectives of pre-interpreting preparation,the interpreting process,post-interpreting analysis,and evaluation.The third chapter is about the case analysis,which is the essential part of the thesis.Based on the effort model of consecutive interpreting raised by Professor Daniel Gile and combined with this interpreting practice,the author concludes the interpreting experience of this consecutive interpreting task such as misreading or omission due to lack of linguistic knowledge or extra-linguistic knowledge,communication by non-verbal information,solving of dilemmas with the help of the audiences,inquiries during interpreting,the beneficial effect of visualization in interpreting,learning different cultures and ways of thinking through text,etc.The fourth chapter is the summary of this interpreting practice,which discusses how to deal with the uncertainties in interpreting,how to get the keynote and keep improving.Based on the interpreting experience,the author also reflects on the professional qualities of interpreters and makes constructive suggestions for learning of interpreting in the fourth chapter.
Keywords/Search Tags:consecutive interpreting, media ecology, effort model of consecutive interpreting
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