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The Allegorical Study Of Salamago's Novels

Posted on:2018-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515994118Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jose Salamago,the only writer in the Portuguese language community who won the Nobel Prize for Literature.His works have a very profound theme of meaning,full of wise imagination and rich fable color.Based on the works of his novels on the mainland,this paper aims to explore the allegorical of his novels from these four aspects,the perspective of the fables of the fictional creation,and the use of the narrative techniques and the formation of the author of the creation of the reasons for the creation and then explore the value and significance of the Salamago's novel allegorical creation.Salamago's works,often behind the text implied the author's thoughts on the human survival situation,the fate of life and the question of human nature,we are alarmed by the criticism and satire of the writers with a touch of warm and spicy sarcasm.At the beginning of the thesis,the author classifies them according to the different themes presented in these novels,and then analyzes the looks and thoughts of the three aspects of the subject,the human nature,the subject and the history,which are implied by the specific text.As well as the bright allegorical features embodied in the text,such as the absurdity of the plot,the diplocism of the story and the final salvation of the novel.In addition to these common features with other allegorical works,Salamago's allegorical creation also presents its own unique.Then,on the basis of the specific textual analysis of the novels of Salamago,this paper explores the allegorical narrative tactics which are applied,such as the use of the pre-narrative techniques that can be seen everywhere in Sa's novels,identify the plot model and the background of the characters of the type of blur.After the understanding of Salamago's allegorical creation,the author analyzes the causes of the formation of the characteristics from the two aspects of the author's own and the age of his life.And finally sums up the value and meaning of Salamago's fable creation.Fable,a kind of reality far away from reality.The allegorical writing text contains a broader connotation and unique aesthetic value,which become more and more the choice of writers.Saramago use the allegorical creative techniques to build one after another story full of philosophy and process profound meaning.In the fictional world constantly torture the human soul and the world we live in,and this is where the ultimate meaning of literary creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Saramago, fables, human nature, destiny
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