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An Analysis Of The Causes Of "Blowout" Phenomenon In Chinese Network Big Movie

Posted on:2018-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B M SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515968858Subject:Radio and Television Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the Internet,the big movie is also development very fast.People are living more and more with the Internet technology.In recent years,the large movie network has become a movie that can not be ignored,and it has become very active,and it has a more and more important impact on our life.The development of big network movies is very rapid,through the different stages of the number of films to sort out,summed up the emergence of large-scale network film appeared "blowout" phenomenon development.Through the SWOT analysis of the network of large film "blowout" phenomenon to be analyzed to the network of large film in which the initial explorations.On the basis of SWOT analysis,the direct cause,indirect cause and root cause of "blowout" phenomenon are explored and analyzed.In the process of reason research,data comparison research method,empirical analysis method,industry situation analysis method,supplemented by literature research method.In the course of the study,we found that the direct cause of the phenomenon of "blowout" was the characteristics of the industry chain of the big movie itself,the growth of the big movie box office and the support of the audience;Indirect reasons are the popularity of the Internet,the comprehensive development of the video platform and the maturity of the branch mode;The root causes are cinematic restrictions,the lack of small and medium-sized movies,the support of college party movies and the urgent needs of the audience on the network big movie "blowout" phenomenon.Any kind of phenomenon can not be separated from the supply and demand of both factors,as the demand side of the audience in the network big movie "blowout" phenomenon is ubiquitous,so the author of the influential factors into the direct cause and root causes Among them.Through the study of the causes of the "blowout" phenomenon of the big movie,it provides the basis for other in-depth research on the network big movie in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network Big Movie, Internet, "Blowout", Hits, Spread
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