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The Movie "Hits" News

Posted on:2014-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W GuoFull Text:PDF
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American movies have enjoyed a good reputation for a long time as well as American media, and both of them has been contested clashes fiercely for many times. American movies about media have not only a large quantity but also good quality from the film named "citizen Kane" during World War Ⅱ, even most of them won the affirmation from Oscar. But why do these movies have enormous repercussions in their era?According to the movie sociology, movies not only have witnessed the social reality, but also have inextricably linked to the society. Movie’s environment plays a key role to the success of the film. Under the guidance of this theory, the article selects three typical times among the process of social development in the United States:nineteen forties during World War Ⅱ, the social unrest period in nineteen seventies and the terrorism crisis period in early twenty-first Century which have been elaborated in order to the development of journalistic professionalism. At the same time, three movies which have a high visibility and great influence in their era have been analyzed in this article. This thesis attempts to explore the different images in various movies about media and interactive relationship between the movie and society in the United States, and finally thinks about the media and the social reality of China.Both of the discussion of the new individualism in Roosevelt period and the outbreak of the Second World War in Nineteen forties made America in a complex tangle of individualism and countries. As the censorship of the press from the wartime government and the1947Hutchins report made American media begin to realize the necessity of social responsibility, journalistic professionalism was becoming mature."Citizen Kane" was the representation of the social reality which Seems to imply in the image of the traditional criticism and reflection of the individualism and heroism by the description of Kane’s personal experience.All aspects of crisis in American society made many people lost their faith in Nineteen seventies. Americans complained a lot about unemployment and the argument between conservatism and liberalism made democracy dying. TV media was experiencing a thinking period after a boom at that time for the huge impact on journalism from the commercial wave which regraded the TV as a new religion that can bring people together to listen to the doctrine. The film industry also began to fight back on TV. In such a social media context, the movie"Network" seems to be a vent channel of social criticism mood, it points to TV media and criticizes the bad influence on daily life from TV, television workers are revealed in this film.The United States was drenched by a terrorist attack in Sep.11after entering the new century which made Americans begin to question their own democracy, freedom and opennenss that their country has been advertised, the consciousness of "our people" began to shake. While American media was highly controlled because of terrorism, which has become attached by the government and the financial group. Some news about anti-terrorism began to deviate from the fact and only pay attention to the rendering of personal heroism and patriotism. The movie named "Good luck, Good night" is what reviewed and baptized the fading ideality of the news. It also contained people’s call to journalistic professionalism, as well as the concerns about the current media environment in the hegemony era.We can obviously find the interactive relationship among the media, movie and society from the analysis of above three periods, they influence each other. On the one hand, profound American belief gives journalistic professionalism the rich connotation that help its birth and growth, while a complex social reality make journalistic professionalism be challenge in the unrest history which provides a various of roles about media for American films about media. However, a images in the media have very clear features. And they always can hit the point of the era. On the other hand, the movie also has an analysis function for society, it not only records and witnesses the social reality, but also integrates emotions of a society or an era and tries to guide society concept through the film’s conception.
Keywords/Search Tags:Film sociology, American movie, journalistic professionalism, history of the United States
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