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A Report On The Translation Of Being Nixon (Chapters 11-12)

Posted on:2018-06-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z X WangFull Text:PDF
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This is a translation report on the excerpts from American journalist and writer Evan Thomas Being Nixon(Chapters11-12).The source text belongs to biography,and it mainly tells us how Nixon becomes the president of America,from the aspects of mental activities,body movements and language expressions,Nixon's restless before his competition,as well as his madness and joy after his success are described perfectly.This translation report is divided into four parts: Part one is task description,including the source and choice of the translation text,the introduction of the writer and production and the significance of the selected topic.Part two is theoretical foundation and its application,and this report relies on Eugene Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory,with this theory,the translation strategies are determined.Part three is translation process description,including preparation before translation,the problems and analysis of exemplary sentences appears in the process of translation,which contains the management of background knowledge and the name of people and places,the application of Chinese four-character structure and the translation of long and difficult sentences.Meanwhile,in the part of dealing with the background,this paper takes the methods of adding the footnotes,cut-in notes and explanation in the text to make up the reader's reading difficulty in the translation;and in the part of dealing with people's names and places,this paper conforms the principles of the convention,grammatical problems and homonyms to help readers understand the translation clearly.Part four is conclusion,including thoughts and experience and the problems to be solved in the future.In the process of biography translation,the applied principle gives literal translation on its top priority,and strives to make the reading effect from readers of the translation text and source text is basically the same.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation report, Being Nixon, biography translation, Functional Equivalence
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