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A Study On The View Of "Yi" In Mozi

Posted on:2018-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515497797Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mohist was an important school at the time of the Warring States period,and was known as the "Confucian school".Mohist thought is quite abundant,aims to benefit the world and avoid victim.Mohist especially respected the view of "yi"."yi" is the key to understand the thought of Mohism.The first chapter aims to study on the meaning,the status,the value of "yi" in"Shilun"and discuss the relationship between "yi" and "ten theory".Mohist hold the idea that "tian" is the highest master of the world."tian" would like to see people do kind things and don't do bad things.From the opinion of Mohist,"yi" is the compliance of "tian".In detail,"yi" has two core connotations:"li" which is "be good to tian,ghost and people","zheng"which is supported by "yi" and let people do good.Mohist believes if people obey the principle of "yi","tian"will do good to people,so that the state governs orderly,the people live in peace,the country becomes rich and powerful,financial resource is abundant,people get warm clothes and be rich who are live in peace without worry.In addition,according to the analysis of "yi" and "Shilun",we can see that the "ten theory "are expessed around the concept of "yi"."yi" is the key to understand the thought of Mohism.The second chapter aims to explore the concept of "yi" in "Mojing" and "Moyu".The great contribution of "Mojing" to "yi" is to clarify the meaning of "yi",which is"li".In "Mojing",Mohist disagree with the idea that "ren" is inside while "yi" is outside.Mohist insist on that both "yi" and "ren" are inside.Moyu discuss the view of"yi" depend on the thought of the Core Chapters.However,compared to the Core Chapters,Moyu discuss the conception of "yi" more specifically and practically.Moyu indentify the conception of "yi" as a norm that the Mohist must comply with.Moreover,Moyu highlight the view of "yi" and its benefits especially,and the status of "yi" has been improved significantly.In addition,the difficulties the Mohist met and the methods that they used when they practice "yi" in real life have been reflected clearly in the Moyu.As a whole,Moyu attach the most importance to the view of "yi"and stress on discussing the view of "yi" from the perspective of real life,which different from the Core Chapters obviously.The third chapter mainly analysis the difference between Confucianism and Mohist on the view of "yi".Pre-Qin Confucianism regards "ren" as the highest moral realm."ren" is more important than "yi",which should be obeyed by people.The main meaning of "yi" is "should","appropriate" and the basic requirement is to respect the sage.Confucianism and Mohism both respect "yi".However,in particular,the concept of "yi" in Confucianism and Mohisth has big difference,mainly reflected in t the connotation,status and how to practice "yi".The epilogue part makes conclude of the connotation and status of the view of"yi" in different chapters of Mozi and analyses the specific changes of the concept of"yi" in the early and late Mohist,and comments the view of "yi" in Mohist briefly.In addition,the author analyzes and discusses the problem that "tianzhi","jianai","yi"and "li" which is the core concept of Mohist thought.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mozi, yi, Shilun, Mojing, Moyu
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