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Literary Style And Times

Posted on:2018-12-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515497738Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Legendary novels showed a bloom from the late Ming Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty.At the beginning of Qing Dynasty,lots of literati preferred the writing style of "use the way of writing novels to write article",which made the border between legendary novels and biography become more vague.In fact,this identity problem existed not only between the legendary novels and biography,but also the legendary novels and fables,the legendary novels and anecdotal novels and so on.So the first chapter will find out the unique characters of each literary type.For example,legendary novels and biography both have a exquisite diction,but the former one is more complicated in narrative,that's the difference between them.Generally,the difference between legendary novels and other literary types are reflected on the way of narrative,the value orient and so on.Survivor sentiments is the main sentiments in the legendary novels during the early Qing Dynasty.Survivors had to live in the new dynasty,but they missed their homeland so much.For the literati who born in the new dynasty,they were also influenced by the survivors,and had a strong interest in the big change of history.So lamented the perish of Ming Dynasty,mocked at mutiny of the courtiers,had mercy on the people constitute the main content of legendary novels in the early Qing Dynasty.literati wrote abnormal people,livestock and female as the symbol of themselves and also their life.Accompanied with all these sentiments were the lingering memories of Ming Dynasty,that was also the common theme of legendary novels in the early Qing Dynasty.On the one hand,common people lost their home and got separated with families;On the other hand,the seeds of capitalism at the southern region,scholar's social status began to waver,people's view of money also would be reversed.In the early Qing Dynasty,legendary novels like Feelings When Get Through Ruins and Marriage by Cheating include massive information about the society in that time.Besides,"filial son looking for parents" and "husband looking for wife" are two conspicuous theme of legendary novels in early Qing Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Early Qing Dynasty, Legendary Novel, Use the Way of Writing Novels to Write Article, Survivor Sentiments, Historical Phenomenon in Novels
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