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The Dohnanyi Inheritance And Development Of Hungarian Music

Posted on:2018-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q L MaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Dohnanyi as after Liszt,one of the twentieth Century's great Hungarian musicians,his life has always paid great attention to the creation,education and inheritance of Hungarian music.Dohnanyi not only inherits the creative features and style of Liszt symphonic and virtuoso,the classical form of romanticism and the Hungarian folk music integration,his works are emotional and melodic sense of smooth lines,emotion strong,set new romantic,nationality and symphonic,as a whole.This paper will be the "Concert Etudes" as an example,from the work characteristics,performance and specific analysis,expounded Dohnanyi for innovation of Liszt technology and emotion,influence on Bartok creation techniques,and vivid music images and rich content of the story,to explain his inheritance of Hungarian music,and national the music becomes more and more brilliant development,plays an indelible role.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dohnanyi, Hungarian music, Concert Etudes, Liszt, Bartok
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