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Research On Current Situation Of Teaching Chinese In Kazan Federal University,Russia

Posted on:2018-02-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515492145Subject:International Education in Chinese
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Located in the Republic of Tatarstan,Kazan Federal University is a very old.and famous Russian university.In 2007,it set up Chinese language specialization,whereupon it became one of the biggest and most promising centers of Chinese language education in the Volga region.Until this year,Kazan Federal University has been carrying out a decade of Chinese teaching and research work,actively promoting good and long-term relationships with China.However,there are also problems in the development of Chinese teaching in Kazan Federal University regarding Chinese teachers,students,teaching material and education system.Thus,it is necessary to study all of the various aspects in the present situation of Chinese teaching in Kazan Federal University in order to make suggestions that will be useful not only for improving Chinese language teaching in KFU,but also for Chinese language education in fellow universities.In this way,the author used the opportunity of teaching practice at the Department of Sinology at Kazan Federal University to conduct a one-month questionnaire survey of 70 students of the second,third and fourth grade of Chinese degree in Kazan University.In addition to the questionnaire,interviews were conducted.After analyzing the aspects of Chinese teaching in Kazan Federal University,this paper draws the following conclusions regarding all four aspects mentioned above:1.Regarding Chinese language teachers from Russia and China;they both have their own strengths and weaknesses.For example,Chinese teachers from Russia may not be accurate when it comes to pronunciation and calligraphy,but they have obvious advantages in the grammar explanation.On the other hand,Chinese teachers from China may have problems because of language barriers,and cannot express their own ideas accurately.However,the advantage of Chinese teachers from China is that they can correct the pronunciation of students at any time.2.Regarding students;they face pronunciation,listening,speaking and other kind of problems in the process of learning Chinese.language,and when students cannot overcome these difficulties,they could lose motivation and interest in learning Chinese,and thus becoming disappointed with Kazan Federal University Chinese Teaching in general.The survey showed that students in second and fourth grades considered the language environment poor to be the most basic problem(61%of the average).3.Concerning the use of teaching materials;the school has not yet managed to become unified in the use of Chinese textbooks.The results of the out-of-school reading survey showed that 50%of the respondents considered that the Department of Sinology lacked extracurricular reading.The survey results show that most(59%)of the respondents chose Standard pronunciation classes and nearly half of these students chose "listening".4.Regarding the teaching system;although the school regularly holds a variety of activities,but students are not interested in these activities,are unwilling to participate.Furthermore,the opportunity provided by the school to study in China is regarded by students as "general"(45%).On this basis,the author makes the following recommendations:First of all,it is clear that both Chinese and Russian Chinese language teachers should distribute teaching contents scientifically,in order to achieve complementary teaching.At the same time,local Chinese teachers should be trained regularly to improve their professional quality.Secondly,Chinese teachers need to develop and personalize the teaching plans according to the specific language skills of students,teaching students according to their aptitudes,and incorporate multimedia teaching methods.Finally,it is clear that the school should unify the Chinese textbooks;set up extracurricular reading teachings and listening and pronunciation courses in order to improve students' listening and pronunciation levels.And finally,Department professors should provide all necessary guidance and help to students regarding theopportunities to study in China,scholarships and application process,etcetera.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kazan Federal University, current situation of the teaching Chinese, problems, advices
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