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The Dilemma And Path Innovation Of Multiple Subject Supply Mode Of Public Cultural Service In China

Posted on:2018-10-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515490242Subject:Administrative Management
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The construction of public cultural service system is not only an effective way to protect the basic cultural rights and interests of the masses,but also an important symbol of social civilization and progress.With the continuous development of China's economic,social and cultural undertakings,people's demand for public cultural services is increasing,and the demand for public cultural services has become increasingly diverse.When there are many difficulties in the traditional public cultural service supply model,the multiple subjects supply model has gradually entered people's field of vision.Emphasizing public cultural service supply model of multiple subjects is supply diversification,emphasize the government's focus to the formulation of government policy,the integration of social resources and social forces coordination governance process guidance,constructs a comprehensive,diversified,government,private sector,collaborative supply model of social organizations and other subjects.But in the current practice,the traditional concept of government administration,private sector participation is insufficient,inadequate development of social organization,responsibility and profit distribution mechanism is not clear,the coordination and management mechanism is not perfect,imperfect supervision and accountability dilemma support mechanism is not perfect,the demand expression mechanism is not perfect and the legal policy still restricts the development of local public cultural service multiple supply mode.Based on this,this article through the investigation of the supply of public cultural services after the Anglo American model,that to improve China's public cultural service supply model of multiple subjects,first of all should be clear positioning all the main supply,clear the role of the government,the private sector complement and social organization participation.Secondly,improve the the main body of supply,the transformation of the government's concept of governance and government intelligence,to enhance the social responsibility of the private sector and strengthen the internal management of social organizations.Finally,from the perspective of mechanism and system,we design and establish a sound incentive system,coordination and management mechanism,sharing mechanism of rights and interests,demand expression mechanism and performance appraisal and disciplinary accountability system.So as to build a multi-agent orderly cooperation,open and flexible,equality and mutual benefit of public cultural services-Multi-agent supply model.This paper consists of six parts: the first part is the introduction,which mainly introduces the background of the topic,the significance of the topic,the research status at home and abroad,research methods and ideas,as well as the possible innovations and shortcomings of the thesis.The second part is the basic concepts and theoretical basis.Mainly related to this paper such as public service,public cultural services,explains and illustrates multi supply and new public service theory and the theory of multi center management concepts and theories.The third part is the analysis of China's public culture service supply model of multiple subjects the characteristics and difficulties of practice.By taking Shanghai,Zhejiang and Chengdu as an example,analysis of the public cultural service supply model of multiple subjects of local experience,refine three to the supply of public cultural services practice participation diversification,participate in the field of diversification,participation form diversification,put forward that China's public cultural service supply model of multiple subjects are restricted by the traditional concept of government management,private sector participation is insufficient,the development of social organizations,responsibility and profit distribution mechanism is not clear,the coordination and management mechanism is not perfect,supervision and accountability mechanism is not perfect,the demand expression mechanism is not perfect and legal Imperfect policy support.The fourth part is the foreign experience,analysis of the supply of public cultural services mode through the United States and the British market decentralized "arm's length",summarizes the foreign advanced experience of the supply of public cultural services,that is to uphold the public spirit,improve public cultural services for the main body,clear the main supply of rights and responsibilities and the policy system to the public demand.The fifth part is the path to perfection.Perfecting our country's public cultural service supply mode of multi subject should first clear the role of government,private sector and social organizations in the supply of public cultural services.Secondly we should strengthen the main supply of the self perfection.The last is to establish and perfect the incentive system to guide,coordination and management mechanism,responsibility and profit sharing the mechanism,demand expression mechanism and performance appraisal and disciplinary accountability system.In order to build a multi subject cooperation,open and flexible,public cultural service supply model of multiple subjects of equality and mutual benefit.The sixth part is a summary.a summary and promotion of the main content of the full text.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public cultural service, Multi subject supply, Dilemma and path
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