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Walking On The Road Of "Thinking" And "Poetry"

Posted on:2018-09-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515482577Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"The meaning of "being "is the philosophical question of Heidegger's lifelong pursuit.He believes that since Platon traditional metaphysics had forgotten the"being",so that it fell into a variety of difficulty to extricate themselves."Dasein"which connect with being is the way of being manifesting itself,so the analysis of this is the only way to understandbeing.Thus,Heidegger made a deep exploration of the living conditions of the modern people.By analysing Heidegger find that in problems of human survival catastrophic which caused by modern technology,has revealed that theessence ofmodern technology make the "world image",but also non humanization.The reason is that it is the traditional metaphysics which make"existencein place of being",and the resulting dualism of subject and object separation in epistemology,contributed to the essence of modern technology.This conclusion confirms the Nietzsche's theory from another dimension,that is,"God is dead","the value of nothingness" which is caused the Rootless of modern life.In being and time,Heidegger attempts to seek beingthrough the survival of dasein.However,from the point of "dasein",it is inevitable to fall into the framework of subject metaphysics.So the latter Heidegger's thought to being by language,that language is the basic way of life in the world,is also a place where the "being" blossoms itself and presents itself.The language in Heidegger has two meanings: one which refers to is as the "Sprache"(sphahe),is a tool of Symbolic expression,andis full of sound and colour.Another is referred to as "Ereignis"(aiaik nis)language which can move and operate by itself,is a silent language(Sage).it means to see,to manifest,to be itself,which is called "sage",But this silent language needs to be expressed by human's words.The poetry in human language is the closest way to the poetic nature of language(language as language)"Sage".Peoplecan access being through poetry.Therefore,the main title of this article is "walking on the road of thinking and poetry ",which aims to point out the difference of Heidegger's philosophy to explore "being".The traditional view of language is deeply influenced by the two opposing ideas of the subject and object,and it holds that the subject of language is human,and the language is a tool for people to exchange ideas.This view of language regards language as a symbol system,and allcan be replaced by symbols.The traditionalsymbolic language is based on the epistemology of the separation of subject and object of traditional metaphysics,is a home of being that is to say,the subject will make all the existence as objects.Heidegger does not agree with the traditional theory of language,he believes that "being" as the state of unity before the separation of subject and object,can not be regarded as the object of understanding and researching."The being of the existence " can not to be discussed,because once it is discussed will degenerate into the existence.In Heidegger's view,language is not only as the main means of expression,but also the manifesation of being,and the basic way of human living,so to live is to live in the language.Language,as the essence of language,is to become such a poetic language.This paper discusses the relationship between Heidegger's language and being from the perspective of poetry,language and being,and further explore the meaning of being.
Keywords/Search Tags:language, poetry, thinking, ereignis, sage
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