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An Analysis Of The Construction Of “Yao Duo A You Duo A”

Posted on:2018-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515479116Subject:Foreign Language Teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Yao duo A you duo A" is a phrase that has been commonly used in modern oral Chinese.According to the theory of constructive grammar,it is termed as a construction,which is a typical structure expressing the degree of polarity.Combining the theories of constructive grammar,cognitive linguistics and etc.,this thesis analyzes the structural features,features of expression,grammatical functions,subjectivism and subjective content in order to give a valuable supplement to the study of this topic.The article is divided into six chapters,whose contents are briefly introduced as follows.Chapter One is the preface,which mainly expatiates on the meaning of the topic as well as defining the research objective and range: the adjective construction of “Yao duo A you duo A".Further,achievements obtained predecessors in this area are shortly discussed.Besides,we also give the major theoretical basis,methods of research and corpus sources of the thesis.Chapter Two mainly focuses on the form of the construction of "Yao duo A you duo A".First of all,the components of this construction,"Yao","Duo","You" and "A" are explored individually.We analyze the characteristics,meanings and features of "Yao","Duo" and "You".For the component of "A",we start from the characteristic and emotion of it to make a detailed description and analysis,including access conditions of using “A”.Last part of this chapter describes the syntactic function of this structure.Chapter Three is a study of the meaning of "Yao duo A you duo A".First of all,a more detailed analysis of its structure meaning is carried out,and then its syntax function and discourse function are examined.Chapter Four gives a detailed description and explanation of the subjectivity and subjective quantity of " Yao duo A you duo A".We mainly analyzes the subjectivity of the construction based on its nature,characteristics and functions.In addition,we also analyzes the nature and characteristics of subjective quantity.Chapter Five discusses the practical implementation based on the theoretical findings illustrated above.Based on our analysis of construction of "Yao duo A you duo A",we propose some suggestions in teaching as well as studying.Chapter Six is the summary of the whole article.The research method as well as the major conclusions are included.Additionally,the author gives some recommendations for the future work of this topic.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Yao duo A you duo A", Construction, Subjectivity, Subjective Quantity
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