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A Practice Report On The Chinese Translation Of The English News Of Australian Federal Budget 2016

Posted on:2018-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Australian government announced a new 2016-2017 budget in May,2016,which will especially have an effect on pensions,personal taxes,industry taxes and immigration etc.It is all about people's livelihood,which not only affects the economy,but also influences the investment area of some investors,so it has caught the attention of politicians,economists,scholars,professors,company executives and related economic practitioners of all the world.The practice report is based on the related reports of Sydney Morning Herald and Melbourne Times,which consists of four main parts:Part 1 is the introduction to translation background and nature of the task.Part 2 is the description of the preparation and process of the translation task.Part 3 describes the analysis of some specific cases about title-translation skills,vocabularies and difficult sentences,which are based on the specialties of economic news.Part 4 mainly focuses on the summary of the translation practice and some enlightenment for future study.Through the report,the writer makes analyses and offers relevant solutions to the problems,such as,the translation of titles,vocabulary,sentences in economic news.The writer also makes a conclusion of translation strategies and methods in translating economic news.Hopefully,this practice report will be helpful for other English learners.
Keywords/Search Tags:Financial budget, News translation, Translation skills
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