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Research On The Construction Of Wang AP Li VP

Posted on:2018-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512999196Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The topic of this research is about a modern Chinese syntactical structure Wang AP Li VP.In this paper,we will try to analysis the structure from the aspect of construction.Through the collection and analysis of the corpus,it is not difficult to find that the sentence is frequently used both in our daily life and in literature.Based on the facts of language,we will explore the particular linguistic phenomenon from the construction type,semantic categories,semantic pragmatic functions,cognitive causes and other aspects.In addition to the introduction and conclusion,the main part of the paper consists of four chapters.The first chapter is to decide whether Wang AP Li VP is a construction or not,and to investigate the components of the various components of the syntactical structure.Meanwhile,we will use the adjective usage dictionary and Dictionary of modern Chinese Adjectives with the collected corpus to describe the component AP in the format,and make a preliminary analysis of AP and VP.The second chapter of this paper is to make semantics description and analysis of the construction and to summarizes its constructional meaning.We can make a decision that the constructional meaning of the construction is a process that one makes a certain behavior in order to develop the object from a state of reality to a new situation,which reflects the subjective results of people through the thorough investigation of the corpus,and its essence is people's subjective cognition and evaluation of objects.According to the semantic features of VP,it can be divided into different kinds,such as action verbs,psychological verbs and developmental verbs.Each kind also can be divided into specific categories.The constructional meaning of Wang AP Li VP restricts whether AP or VP is correspond to the given construction.In Chapter Three we will analyze the construction from the perspective of pragmatics,mainly related to the concept of subjectivity and subjective quantity.Through analyzing research data we can find the the main source of its subjectivity is from the component AP,the semantic features of AP restricts the subjectivity of the construction.Moreover,the whole structure presents some features of fuzziness and variability due to the influence of AP which can enter the structure.In the fourth chapter,we will try to make cognitive interpretations for how the construction was formed.We believe that it belongs to metaphorical spatial relation constructions which was developed between the interaction of Container Schema and the Source-Path-Destination Schema,from the structure of Wang NP Li VP.
Keywords/Search Tags:Construction, Wang AP Li VP, Subjectivity, Subjective quantity, Spatial metaphor
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