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The Reconstruction Of Cultural Identity In Onitsha By J.M.G.Le Clézio

Posted on:2018-10-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512998605Subject:French Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio(1940-)was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2008,arguably the core figure of today's French literature.With a broad vision of the world,Le Clezio has continued to concern and think about exotic civilization,therefore considered to be a "cosmopolitan" writer.Undoubtedly,Le Clezio's multicultural identity has had a profound impact on his creation.Onitsha(1991),which records the author's journey to Africa at the age of seven,is generally regarded as an autobiographical novel,and has a special status in Le Clezio's works.Le Clezio started his writing journey from Africa,whose unique natural style and culture deeply influenced him as well as his life creation.The study of the works of Le Clezio is quite prolific.The research of Onitsha puts particular emphasis on autobiography writing and techniques.Under the background of globalization and multicultural collision,the study of the cultural identity in this book can not only provide a new entry point for us to interpret his works,but also inspire us to understand the topic of "cultural identity".Beginning with the cultural identity of the novel characters,this thesis is based on the flow of cultural identity between European and African culture and is divided into three parts:"break-connection-reconstruction":The first chapter explores the "break" of Le Clezio and the European cultural in Onitsha.First of all,on the basis of Stuart Hall's cultural identity theory and postcolonial theory,the author analyzes the colonial Simpson and Rodes' cultural identity,so as to dig into the essential identity view which leads to the conflict.The author's break with Europe also manifests as a breakthrough in the writing form of Africa.Firstly,beyond the barbaric and simple African image,he restores the richness of the image of African.Secondly,he breaks the tradition of exotic novels,trying to truly enter the African world and understanding ther life and thought of local people.The second chapter discusses Le Clezio's identification of African culture,which is manifested at two levels.First,the spiritual level:through three different process of cultural identification of Maou,Geoffroy Allen and Fintan,Le Clezio achieves the multiple return to his mother,father,childhood and Africa.Second,the cultural level:the presentation of African language,religion and history in the Onitsha breaks through the European centralist discourse,showing an unprecedented richness.Chapter Three:Reconstruction of Identity.The return to the African culture in the Onitsha does not mean returning to "Negritude",which still falls into the doctrine of the essentialism of identity.From the perspective of the collision between the major and minor culture,Le Clezio advocates the cross of cultural identity in his works,emphasizing the equal dialogue among different cultures.From the perspective of the relationship between human and nature,Onitsha reconstructs the author's ideal identity,i.e.the natural identity that means in harmony with nature.Finally,the construction and exploration of identity by Le Clezio in writing his also promote the richness and innovation of his writing.The cultural identity of Le Clezio is a pluralistic one.After the completion of Onitsha in 1991,Le Clezio never stopped writing and kept paying close attention to the problem of identity.Africa is not so much the destination of the spirit of Le Clezio,as it is the source of his thoughts and creations,the origin of his "new departure" and"poetic adventure".
Keywords/Search Tags:Le Clezio, Onitsha, Africa, cultural identity
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