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The Throbbing "Musical Notes"

Posted on:2017-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
An art master called Gustav Klimt was born in Vienna at the end of 19th century. He is honored as "Austrian Treasure" and the Vienna Secession representative painter. Although few people understand he was a distinguished scenery artist, he utilized magnificent colors? dynamic and variegated brushwork as well as the deep emotions, showing a silent natural world for audience.Firstly, this dissertation will explain the development and change of Klimt's artistic conceptions by ways of his era and family background so as to illustrate musical and literary attainment. This article, subsequently, will look for rhythms among his painting language through three points, i.e., colors, brushwork and emotions. The third, his painting spirit will be explored by his life philosophy thoughts.The final conclusion will discuss one's inspirations and art circles'influences from his scenery painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Klimt, Scenery Painting, Rhythm Sensation
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