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On Zhang Wei's Writing Style Of “Retreating As Advancing” And The Literary Significance

Posted on:2017-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512954643Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zhang Wei is a writer who has a sense of life quality and the unique creative personality.In recent years,many critics have studied Zhang Wei and his works,not only focusing on the spiritual sources of creation,but also exploring his works' ideological contents and artistic forms,especially the themes,the structures,and the images,etc.However,people make little studies on his writing style of retreating as advancing.In this paper,the author summarizes the writing style from the creative personality of Zhang Wei,and analyses the changing process and the reasons.Finally,this paper expounds the literary significance of the writing style in literary history.The introduction part mainly explains the facts of Zhang Wei's works and this paper's origin,research ideas and methods.Chapter one tells Zhang Wei's “retreating as advancing” writing style in his works.Zhang Wei's style is his writing posture in literary creation.There are four main forms: 1.retreat to keep moral and pursuit the ideal.On one side Zhang Wei admires the traditional Confucian as distinct moral reason;on the other side he advocates the freedom of life realm in the traditional Taoist.On this basis,he actively makes a simultaneous ideal life mode of social and moral development.2.retreat to the rural area and watch the soul.He makes up stories with the vineyard and "Lu Qing He" as the background to describe mountains,water,small animals,and people.Zhang Wei forms touching stories with the characters,the plots and the contradictory conflicts to call on sticking to the good spiritual value and aesthetic pursuit.3.retreat to the agricultural culture and criticize the modern civilization.Zhang Wei goes back to the vineyard,and retreat to the agricultural culture to remind people who indulge in material consumption to strengthen the excellent traditional culture and traditional virtue to make spirit strong at the same time.4.retreat to the wilderness and go to the plateau.Making the land as a base,he traces back to find the origin and learn the spirit of power to strive for the harmony of man and nature,man and society.At the end,he goes to the highland of spirit.Chapter two introduces the evolution of his writing style.Influenced by the great literary environment and his own education background and living environment,Zhang Wei's writing style goes through four stages: germination,development and maturity,surpassing.At the beginning,he is full of passion and creates a series of idyll literature,calling for the beauty of human nature.But wtih the impact of the new literature ideological trend,Zhang Wei starts chasing the source to retreat to the moral,to the rural area and to the agricultural culture.Here,his work has showed early shapes.After the 90 s,his style becomes more mature.With the development of ideas and rich experience,Zhang Wei begin to pay close attention to the spirit,and establish his personality about society,nation,and human beings.Finally,he realizes the surpassing of the style and it becomes a kind of writing.Chapter three presents the meaning and the value of the writing style.Zhang Wei's “retreating as advancing” is a model in today's literary creation world.At first,it creates a new vernacular literary creation mode,and opens a bright future of the regional literature.Secondly,the intellectual elites' writing position and sticking to personality reveals a kind of responsibility.Thirdly,Zhang Wei doesn't blindly cater to consumer tastes and assimilate into the popular writing methods,so this is valuable to today's literature world and trend.Epilogue part is an overview of Zhang Wei,including praising and deficiency of his style.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhang Wei, the writing style of retreating as advancing, literary significance
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