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The Research Of Lidong Tombs Of Han Dynasty

Posted on:2018-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K FengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology excavated 28 small tombs by rescue,which are located in the administrative office of Xinfeng street,Lintong distrct,in 2012.Through analyzing the pottery and tombs by archaeological typology,this thesis classified these 28 tombs into 3 periods,which is the early period of the Former Han Dynasty(23 tombs),the middle period of the Former Han Dynasty(3 tombs)and the later period of the Former Han Dynasty(2 tombs).Then,based on this period,and the structure and layout of the tombs,funerary utensils and funeral services,the weave of the pottery and documentary records etc,the author made the conduct of the relevant research that is the owner's identity of the tombs are the people of the Former Han Dynasty whose ancestor were live in Li borough of the Qin Dynasty,and although Li borough was abolished in the Former Han Dynasty,these people still live in the site.There are a variety of cultural factors in these tombs,including Zhou,Qin,Sanjinliangzhou and Chu,especially associated with a strong Han factor and this strong character has been growing on.It is special of the forming process of Lidong tombs,so it is too difficult to exploit the whole forming process of funeral system and culture of the Former Han Dynasty by this special one.But it is no doubt that Lidong tombs is a reliable data which can be used to research the forming process of funeral system and culture of the Former Han Dynasty.It is well-disciplined of the layout of funerary utensils and animal's bones,which directly shows the funeral concepts of the people who lived in the Former Han Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lidong, Li borough, Han tombs, Offspring, Han culture
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