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Research On Safe Drinking Water Act Of 1974 Of America

Posted on:2018-11-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512499004Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Drinking water is an important resource and is closely related to people's lives.Before the 1970 s,the United States had no national laws on drinking water,it long-term lacks of compulsory management.Many technologies in water treatment and fresh water facilities were low and needed to be renewed and repaired.So that the United States repeatedly broke out with drinking water-related infectious diseases.The increasing number of reports on drinking water pollution in the 1960 s and 1970 s made people pay more attention to drinking water.In 1974,the United States Congress passed the Safe Drinking Water Act,which is the first US legislation on drinking water.In the history of the development of drinking water in the United States,this law is very important.Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 was continuous repair,and now it becomes a more perfect act.Although the states do not object to the Safe Drinking Water Act to protect public health,it raises objections to the cost of the bill,the management responsibilities and the testing techniques.This paper uses the introduction of Safe Drinking Water Act as the main line,combined with the American environmental protection and water pollution control policy in the 1960 s and 1970 s.The states explore a number of specific issues of controversy in the process of the introduction.Analyze the positive influence and deficiency of Safe Drinking Water Act of America,and find out the experiences and lessons for the development of the legislation of drinking water in our country.The main contents of this paper are as follows:The first part is mainly about the review of the status of American drinking water pollution,the relevant management measures and the legislative history.After World War II,drinking water of America was seriously polluted,and the survey found that more than half of the treatment facilities have major deficiencies in disinfection,purification,or rationing system pressure.The public is increasingly concerned about drinking water.According to their own situation,states take different measures.Water quality standards is an important part of the development of drinking water,is also in constant development.The second part examines the tortuous course of the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974,which was passed through the Senate and the House of representatives at the hearing.The introduction of Safe Drinking Water Act meets the requirements of the times and it also balances the interests of all aspects.From 1971 to 1974,there were several hearings,each of which argued about management costs,sample analysis,management responsibility,bottled water,and the most important of which was drinking water management responsibility and financial support.The third part mainly analyzes the influence of Safe Drinking Water Act and the specific contents of the bill.Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 has had a significant impact on public health,national economy,national employment,consumers,and water industry,but because of the initial drinking water legislation,there are shortcomings in terms of enforcement and supervision.Through the assessment of drinking water act of America in water quality standards,management systems,water conservation and other aspects of the achievements,this paper emphasizes the importance of the bill.The last part is the conclusion,the author reviewed and concluded structure and contents of the article,once again stressed the importance of the Safe Drinking Water Act,and affirmed the achievement of drinking water quality standards,management system,water conservation and other aspects.
Keywords/Search Tags:the United States, Safe Drinking Water Act, Game, Commentary
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