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Comparative Study Of Chinese Myanmar Demonstrative Pronouns

Posted on:2018-04-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512487833Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Demonstrative pronouns are commonly used in Chinese and Burmese.There is still a certain relationship between Chinese and Burmese directives,and there are deep commonality and difference in Hamiltonian pronouns.There are still co mmon points and differences in the classification,syntactic function,semantic fe atures and pragmatic functions.So I am in this paper carefully study these aspects.The first chapter is the introduction,this part briefly introduces the reason of the topic,the research status,the research content,the research purpose and the s ignificance,the research method and the corpus source.The second chapter is a comparative study of Chinese and Myanmar demonstrative pronouns.The third chapter write the syntactic function comparison of the pronouns in Han and Myanmar.First of all,the contrast between the Chinese and Burmese dir ectives as the subject,object,adverbial,complement contrast study.The fourth chapter is the contrast of the semantic features of the Hamiltonia n pronouns.The semantic meaning of semantic meaning,semantic synchronizatio n,semantic meaning and so on.The fifth chapter is the comparison of the pragmatic functions of the Demons trative Pronouns in.The expression of the characters,the expression of things,the expression of expression,the expression of time and the expression of degree.The sixth chapter wrote the conclusion.By indicating the classification,syntactic function,semantic features and pragmatic characteristics of pronouns,the the instruction function of the pronoun is summarized.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese, Myanmar, Demonstrative pronouns, Contrast, Research
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