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A Study Of The Intertextuality And The English Version Of Mai Jia's Jie Mi

Posted on:2018-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F J WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512470244Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the context of globalization, Chinese Modern literature, as an important cultural carrier, is attracting greater attention from the global public. As a forerunner of Chinese espionage fiction, Mai Jia has aroused wide public concern with his works both at home and abroad. Being selected by Penguin Books, UK, Jie Mi made major breakthroughs in sales and widely accepted in western countries, winning high praises from mainstream media overseas.The theory of intertextuality, put forward by French literary critics Julia Kristeva in the 1960s, elaborates the immanent relationships between texts -All texts are not isolated but inter-related to previous texts or other text. From this point of view, translation is more than a mechanical language conversion but a transformation of intricate inter-textual signs. The intertextuality theory provides a new perspective for translation studies, not as a kind of pure theory, but a research methodology.From the perspective of intertextuality, this thesis first makes a study of the intertextuality of Jie Mi. Focusing on the revelation of intertextuality in the English version of Jie Mi, this thesis studies the inter-textual relations within its own texts and with other texts and the transference of the inter-textual expressions from the source text into the target text. With the analysis of the comments of the western readers of Decoded:A Novel(the English Version of Jie Mi), the research finds that the current social background and the popular texts can contribute to the reception of the English version of Jie Mi by the western readers, and that its popularity can also be attributed to the maintenance of inter-textual relations and realization of inter-textual intention. The translators of Jie Mi adopts various translation methods in order to maintain properly the source text's inter-textual intention and its cultural connotation, which can find evidence in the reception of the western readers.The thesis makes a trial translation study of Jie Mi and its English version from the perspective of intertextuality, which is a rather new perspective among the studies of the translation of Jie Mi. As a paradigm of Chinese literature "going global", Jie Mi is so significant that its translation study is supposed to provide reference for writers and translators.
Keywords/Search Tags:intertextuality, translation, inter-textual relations, inter-textual intention, Jie Mi
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