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A Research Of The Excavate And Systemize In The Xiangjiang Valley Shrimp Dance-in The View Of Intangible Culture Heritage

Posted on:2017-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330503996265Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shrimp dance in Xiang jiang Valley is an ancient art, a reflection of the fishing and hunting life and also a shrimp fishing in art and visual representation, in Xiang jiang Valley basin is the embodiment of the common features.Shrimp dance in Xiangjiang Valley is the embodiment of the common features,is also traditional sport which embodied multivalued of exercise,education,humanistic,aesthetic and recreational.It not only reflects the people's pursuit of a better life shows the confidence and happy people to conquer nature, reflects the ancients for a celebration of the natural life, embodies the boat close relationship with water, is also a unique way of boat people pray for good luck.In this paper, from the historical origin of xiangjiang Valley shrimp dancing culture excavation, cultural value research, analyzes the development dilemma, further study on the development of the shrimp dancing way, explore the development trend of shrimp dancing projects in the region, this paper shrimp dancing cultural heritage significance.Transmission of Xiangjiang Valley shrimp dance is boatwas wisdom, and continuation of traditional ritual culture, and hunan culture heritage.writing this paper is in for our of maintaining cultured diversities and of enriching the types of sports.Also for the development of nationwide fitness campaign has very important significance.The study found that:(1) Cultural origins in xiangjiang Valley shrimp dancing. Know from the history of the xiangjiang Valley shrimp dancing migration shrimp dance produced in the ancient, after years of the eastern, mature in tang and song dynasty, the tang dynasty end and all the people watching lanterns Lantern Festival customs, which have shrimp shrimp lamp and dance performances, song dynasty development and prosperity of citizen culture, folk art is very active, shrimp dancing in xiangjiang Valley is very popular. After the Anti-Japanese War to the since the founding of new China, shrimp dancing spread to today, has a long history, folk shrimp dancing popular legend qi baishi life period, because the love of xiangjiang Valley shrimp dancing, painting shrimp value daughter.(2)The inheritance way and the inheritance characteristics of xiangjiang Valley shrimp dancing, shrimp dancing movement system and theory system is analyzed. Sort out shrimp dancing in the features of different stages, including mimic shrimp features, regional belief, military deployment characteristics, characteristics of production and life of education, the ornamental features and social adaptation.(3) Through the study on xiangjiang Valley shrimp dancing culture value. In the life custom boatwas with shrimp dancing traditional festivals, and the relationship between the folk culture festival. In the age of the cult of related products and their works and related custom and taboos. In the movement of life, from the form a complete set of Musical Instruments, water transportation jargon, performing rituals, activity venue not restricted, dancing is beneficial to keep fit this several aspects.(4) The xiangjiang Valley shrimp dancing influence on modern culture of protection can be summarized in the dilemma: seen from the history of water transportation industry of cultural loss, shortage of funds, inheritance of faults, the impact of other sports. Sorting of ways including the following aspects: government policy implementation to improve the cultural identity, broadening the channels for learning shrimp dancing into the campus, the social team communication to promote the national fitness, strengthen cultural output combined with tourism resources, progressive application of non-material cultural heritage.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intangible culture heritage, Xiangjiang Valley, Shrimp dance
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