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Research On "Learning" About The Pre-qin Confucian

Posted on:2017-06-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330503471516Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The purpose of this paper is to sort out the progress of the Learning in the Pre-Qin Confucian Thought, in which review the development of its core ideology.For the subject of this paper is the Learning,thus firstly it has analysed this concept detailedly,and then turned out that the essence of the Learning is the communication between people and world,in which profoundly it is the communication between people and nature, imitate heaven and earth;and directly it is the communication between people themselves, study from the people. The Pre-Qin Confucian had inherited these two features fully,for which it had formed the tradition of respecting to the ancient paths and teachers.Under this tradition,the Confucius who is a ancient imitator had brought out the Fonding of Learning creatively,which is just related with the Confucius' Benevolence and Viture.Though the sketches about the Learning from the Analects of Confucius,the schools of Zixia,Zengzi,Zisi,Xunzi and Mencius,the paper has found out that in these heritages there are different understandings about the Viture,Filial Piety,Humanity and Ceremony,which depeand on the two different theories that are the emotion leading and reason leading.Nevertheless,all of their orientations are same,which is the ideal of a sage king who can cultivate his people properly,practically in the reality it is both the educational system of “Learning to be a man of nobel”in the Book of Learning and the management system of Ceremony,Music,Law and Politics in the Book of Music.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pre-Qin Confucian, Learning, Communication, Fonding of Learning, Viture
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